Monday, 24 December 2012


Matthew 5:8 says blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

God is abundant in mercy. It is His mercy that keeps us alive, Lamentations 3:22. We are saved by His mercy. Romans 5:8 says while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. For every sin we commit there is a death penalty (Romans 6:23), but instead of giving us what we deserve which is death by crucifixion God gave Jesus to die for our sins. God’s mercy over a life can either be renewed or withdrawn. Mercy can be withdrawn if abused or not appreciated. In the case of Uzziah the king of Judah, mercy was withdrawn as a result of abuse, 2 Chronicles 26:1-21. God’s mercy took this sixteen year old boy and made him king. He also prospered him but when he was strong pride set in. Uzziah began to bully the prophets of God and mercy was withdrawn immediately and he became a leper. In the case of Saul, mercy was abused. God’s mercy took this farm boy and made him king. He was giving a simple instruction to wait for Samuel but he decided a king should not be kept waiting so he went ahead to do the sacrifice in the absence of Samuel. Through God’s mercy he received pardon .He graduated to a level whereby he began to pick and choose which of God’s instruction to follow. He was instructed to destroy everything in Amalek; he decided to kill some and spare some and mercy was withdrawn. When David erred by taking a man’s wife and devised a scheme that led to the death of the husband, instead of destroying David God renewed His mercy over him. Why?

Matthew 5:8 says blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. The reason why mercy was renewed in the case of David was because David was a merciful man. David had several opportunities to kill Saul but he did not kill him. Out of mercy David gathered vagabonds and those the world had rejected and made them mighty men of valor. When you study the life of Uzziah, there was not even a single act of mercy recorded against his name. Saul on the other hand was wicked and merciless. The first war he fought, three hundred and thirty thousand children of Israel went to war with him, 1 Samuel 11:8. These men left their occupations to join Saul’s army. After winning the war, Saul choose two thousand out of these three hundred and thirty thousand and sent the rest away with nothing, 1 Samuel 13:2 . He had no need for them again so he just dumped them. Any man who will bask in God’s mercy must be ready to show mercy at all times. Anyone who does not forgive or show mercy will suddenly find mercy been withdrawn from him when he errs. If you are the type who does not give second chance or forgive or you are too harsh, please be careful so that God’s mercy will not be withdrawn when you need it most. I think I have shared the story of my traffic warden friend who was stopped by a traffic police for exceeding the speed limit for a particular stretch of road. He explained to this police officer that he exceeded the speed limit because he was late for work. The officer ignored him and began to write a speeding fine .As the officer was about to hand the speeding fine to him, he asked my friend, as a traffic warden do you give second chance( my friend was in his uniform)? And my friend replied that everyone deserves a second chance. The police officer tore the speeding fine and said there you go your second chance.

KEY WORD: The amount of God’s mercy you are entitled to is dependent of the amount of mercy you are willing to show.

Sunday, 23 December 2012


2 Corinthians 5:7 – (for we walk by faith; not by sight)

Contrary to popular belief, seeing is not believing. We cannot see ultraviolet rays, but we know it gives sunburn. We cannot see the wind, but we must have seen it uproot a tree or flatten buildings. We cannot see electricity but we know that it is dangerous to hold a live hot wire. We cannot see carbon monoxide but we know it can kill. Hebrews 11:1 says faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of thins not seen. Faith is a thing of the heart not of the head. Faith is taking God at His word. It is confidence in God’s words and power to turn a situation around.A man that walked by faith with God was Abraham. Despite the age of Sarah and deadness of his body, when the Lord told him that Sarah was going to conceive he believed God. He did not look at what medical science had to say. He did not dwell on the fact that Sarah had not menstruated in over thirty years; he took God’s word for it and he held on it.

2 Corinthians 5:7 admonishes us to walk by faith; not by sight. Why? According to Hebrews 11:6 without faith it is impossible to please God. Also faith in God is a righteous thing, Galatians 3:6. Another reason why we should not walk by sight is because the things which we see are temporal, but the things which we see not are eternal, 2 Corinthians 4:18. The things we see are challenges and enjoyments. The riches, honors, pleasures, profits e.t.c are temporal and they endure but for a time. So also the pain, sorrow and tears. All that we enjoy, and all that we suffer here are temporal. Every visible thing in this world is temporal but the things which we see not are eternal. God is eternal, the joys and the glories of heaven are eternal. The question today is what are you striving for? Things which are seen or things which are not seen? All your efforts today, are they directed at the things of this world or heaven? Are you currently investing in a property on earth or investing in your heavenly homes and palaces. Whether you believe it or not there are palaces in heaven for everyone winning souls, helping the poor, working for God in one capacity or the other. All your labor of love in your churches are not in vain .For every single thing you do for Jesus, there is a small reward on earth and bigger reward in heaven. Do everything to make it to heaven and not only that put more efforts into whatever you are doing for Jesus today because there is a reward waiting for you. As you labor for the kingdom of God on earth, there are angels building homes for you in heaven.

KEY QUESTION: are you working for the things which are temporal or eternal?


1 Kings 19:21 – so Elisha turned back from him, and took a yoke oxen and slaughtered them and boiled their flesh, using the oxen’s equipment and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he arose and followed Elijah, and became his servant.

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Kings 19:19-21

Immediately Elisha received the call to serve, he killed his livestock, gave away the farming implements, and followed Elijah the man of God. He burned the bridge between his past and future. Many today who have giving their lives to Christ are yet to burn the bridge between their past and future. After giving our lives to Christ, the first thing we need to do is to destroy anything that ties us to our former life. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says therefore is any man be in Christ, he is a new creation: old things are passed way; behold, all things are become new. As new birth bachelors and spinsters we no longer need to keep birth control pills and contraception. These things are for fornicators not for singles who are born again. We no longer need to keep clothes that expose parts of the body that is meant to be covered so we need to dispose off those clothing. We no longer need the contacts of our old lovers because we now have a new lover which is Christ.

Why did Elisha kill the livestock and give away his farming implements? He that to avoid backsliding. He knew if kept the animals and farming implements, he could be tempted to backslide. Elisha knew that his attention will be divided between his oxen (past) and Elijah (future). Because of this he decided to forego his past for a glorious future ahead. We need to do away with our sinful past so as to avoid destroying our glorious future. The chances of back-sliding are very high when after giving our lives to Christ, we are still in close contact with our ex-lovers; still keep birth control pills and contraception ; still keep friends we used to commit sin with. If they have giving their life to Christ no problem but if they have not we have nothing in common again. After giving my life to Christ, the first thing I did was to dispose off every material that does not glory Christ in my life. I confiscated CDs, novels, DVDs, cards, e.t.c . After that I went to preach to all my lovers both new and old. I politely told of all of them that I am a new creation and I am no longer who I used to be. I preached to my friends but I was still hanging out with them. I noticed that this was affecting my spiritual life so I gave everyone up and stopped calling them. I noticed that immediately I did this, I began to grow spiritually. It is true I lost very close friends but I gained the most valuable friend any man can have which Is Jesus. Why did Jesus ask the rich man to give all he had away and follow Him, Matthew 19:21? So that once he starts following Him, his riches and wealth will not draw him back from serving Jesus. When Jesus called Peter, he did not destroy his boats . Immediately Jesus was crucified, Peter went back to fishing, John 21:1-6.

ACTION POINT: Make a list of what is affecting your walk with Christ and begin to take measures to deal with them.

Friday, 21 December 2012


Proverbs 19:17 says he that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will He pay him again.

God did not create anyone to be poor or unimportant. He definitely did not create anyone to be invisible or be a ‘nobody’ (a person of no importance or authority). There are several reasons why people end up as nobody. It could be by virtue of circumstances at birth. The crippled man in Acts 3:1-8 became a beggar because he was born with weak ankle and limbs and his parents were poor. The only way to get money to feed was to beg. Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-16, was a highly respected and celebrated general but because he was a leper he was confined to leper’s colony. A high ranking general became unimportant because of leprosy. No one reckoned with him because he was not fit to leave in the community. Because of life challenges a very wealthy woman became poor and lonely, Mark 5:25-34. The physicians knew medical science could not solve her problem so they resulted to use her as a cash cow, and before you know it, she exhausted all her resources; poverty crept in. At times barrenness can make the favorite wife consider suicide, 1 Samuel 1:1-8. Despite the fact that Elkanah loved Hannah, Peninah her rival made it a point of duty to reduce her to tears daily because she had no child. Also the enemy through their evil schemes can cause the favorite child to become a slave in a foreign land. If you disagree with me, please read the story of Joseph, Genesis 37:1-36.

How does God treat these people- unimportant/poor/ disadvantaged? He treats them with love. Proverbs 19:17 says he that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will He pay him again. Actually He sent Jesus just because of them. Mark 2:17 says on hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners”. When the poor, disadvantaged, sinners came to Jesus, He treated them with love. When a man comes to Jesus with his heads bowed, he leaves the presence of Jesus with his shoulders held high. When they come to Him feeling invisible, they left with a feeling of importance. The question is when people come to us with their heads bowed, how do they leave – confident or worse? How do we treat the beggar that asks us for a dime? How do we treat the gateman, school janitor, and the homeless on the streets - like humans or leave them feeling suicidal? How do you refer to people that are below you? Jesus who was the savior of the world referred to the woman with the issue of blood (an unimportant woman) as daughter, Mark 5:34. How do we treat those that are not as intelligent, confidence, rich, opportuned or as comfortable as us?

ACTION POINT: During this seasons remember the needy in your prayers. Also let the love of God radiate from you to them.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


Ephesians 4:30 -And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

The Holy Spirit is a personality. He is not a ‘power’ or a ‘force’ like electricity. The Holy Spirit speaks and hears; thinks and reasons; feel and has emotions; and decides, has a will, and self-determination. The Holy Spirit is God. Since He has emotions, He can be grieved or vexed. Ephesians 4:30 says and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. This brings us to the question of how does one grieve the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit can grieved in the following ways: Making Him sad by behavior contrary to the fruit of the Spirit –anger, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc ; Quenching the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19) – putting out of the fire of the Spirit by refusal to pray and be on fire for the gifts and anointing of the Spirit to work through you; insulting the Spirit (Hebrews 10:29)-Living a life of continual deliberate sinning after receiving the knowledge of truth; Resisting the Spirit (Acts 7:51)-Going in the opposite direction to the definite guidance of the Spirit; Vexing the Spirit-(Isaiah 63:10)-Living in deliberate rebellion against the leadership of the Spirit; Lying to the Spirit (Acts 5:3)-Telling intentional untruths and half-truths to anointed men/women of God with the intention of deceiving God’s people; Tempting/Testing the Spirit (Acts 5:9)-Teaming up to provoke God’s Spirit to do things he would not normally want to do; Blaspheming the Spirit (Matthew 12:31, 32)-Attributing the works and words of God’s Spirit to Satan and demons when you have a clear witness within yourself; Striving with the Spirit (Genesis 6:3)-Walking in the flesh continually against the promptings of the Spirit; Rebelling against the Spirit (Psalm 106:33)-Refusal to do what God’s Spirit expressly commands.We can also grieve the Holy Spirit by entertaining vain and sinful thoughts .

The fact that the Holy Spirit can grieved or vexed suggests the possibility of the Holy Spirit to be pleased too. Acts 15:28 says for it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things. How does one please the Holy Spirit? By avoiding the sins against the Spirit and majoring in the character traits that reflect the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Another way to please Him is by avoiding grieving Him through our thoughts - vain and sinful thoughts. Philippians 4:8 says whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are good report; if there be any virtue , and if there by any praise, think on these things.

PRAYER POINT: Father, please sanctify me today and help to bring to bear the fruit of the Spirit.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012


1 Peter 1:16 - be ye holy for I am holy.

The Holy Spirit gives power. Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit performed mighty signs and wonders, Acts 10:38. The Holy Spirit gives strength. In Judges 14:5-6, a lion roared against Samson and the Spirit of God came mightily upon him. He grabbed the lion and tore it apart as if he was tearing an ordinary piece of paper. Also in the strength of the Holy Spirit, Samson was able to catch three hundred foxes, Judges 15:4. Anyone who knows foxes will tell you they are extremely smart and quick moving. To catch a fox alive is a miracle talk-less of catching three hundred foxes .The Holy Spirit gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Daniel full of the Holy Spirit was found to be ten times better than all the geniuses around, Daniel 1:20. The Holy Spirit is able to protect. Isaiah 59:19 says when the enemy shall come in like a flood; the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Also the Holy Spirit impacts unshakeable confidence. The early disciples found it difficult to witness about Jesus because they lacked boldness but immediately they were filled with the Holy Spirit they began to evangelize with boldness, Acts 4:24-31.

One aspect of the Holy Spirit we do not often discuss is the purity aspect. There is no way we will discuss about the Holy Spirit and not talk of purity. One of the symbols of the Holy Spirit is the dove. The dove is an emblem of purity and innocence. The Holy Spirit will only dwell in a clean vessel. He will only dwell in a body that has been kept pure. The Holy Spirit can do a lot in the life of a man but He expects such man to keep himself pure. By purity we mean without spot or sin. We do not need to be pure to receive the Holy Spirit but purity is essential to keep Him or else He will take His leave. When we study the lives of men who attained their potentials in God, they kept themselves pure. Daniel, Shadrach, Mishael and Abed-Nego kept themselves pure by not defiling themselves with the portion of the king delicacies, Daniel 1:8. Jesus kept himself pure by not bowing down to Satan. Jesus was tested in every way and yet did not sin, Hebrew 4:15. The mother of Samson was advised to keep herself pure by not consuming wine or unclean food while pregnant with Samson, Judges 13:3-4. To keep ourselves pure we need to appreciate a life of holiness. We need to do away with sins like masturbation, fornication, lying, backbiting, adultery, gossiping and so on, so that the Holy Spirit dwell in us. We need to keep our hearts pure; no malice, no hatred; no unforgiveness, no dirty thoughts. We need to do away with things that pollute our minds and body.

PRAYER POINTS: Father, please purify my heart, lip, life and conversation.

Monday, 17 December 2012


Psalm 91:1 – he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

The safest place in the world is the secret place of the most High. It is safer than the White House or any presidential villa you may think of. It is safer than all the royal palaces put together. When a man abides in the secret place of the most High, he becomes untouchable. In 2 kings 6:13- 21, the king of Syria sent a host of army to arrest Elisha. The king was aware of the level of anointing on Elisha so instead of sending just an army or two, he sent several to arrest him. When the host of Syrians got to the residence of Elisha, they could not do anything because Elisha was surrounded by battalions of horses and chariots of fire from heaven. Not only that, the mountain around the house was full of horses and chariots of fire. They were present to protect the man of God. In 2 Kings 1:9-15, the king of Samaria sent a captain of fifty with fifty men to go and arrest Elijah the man of God. When they got to where Elijah was unfortunately for them he was in the secret place of the most High. Immediately the captain tendered the arrest warrant, fire came from heaven and consumed the captain and his army. The king sent another batch and the same thing happened. When the third batch got there, the captain looked around and saw ashes everywhere, instead of tendering the arrest warrant; he knelt down and begged for mercy.

From studying Psalm 91:1, you will come to the conclusion that the Lord has a secret place. The location of this place is a secret that is kept from everyone. To get there one needs an invitation from the most High God. The question is how do I qualify for an invitation? What is the criterion for getting an invite to the safest place the world has ever known? The criterion is to fear God. Psalms 25:14 says the secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him. It is only those that fear God that are privy of His secrets. What does it mean to fear God? Proverbs 8:13 says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil. When you fear God, you will hate what He hates and like what He likes. If you fear God, obeying God will be a must for you. Getting an invite is enough, you can decide to honor the invitation or not. Besides an invite only gives the location, it does not tell us how to dwell there. To dwell in the secret place of the most High we must be ready to spend quality time in the presence of God. Quality time is not the ten minutes we spend with Him daily. When you talk of quality, the least is an hour. If you cannot afford an hour daily, make it at least twice a week. The secret place of the most High is found in the presence of God. Start your day with praise and worship. I can guarantee you that as you begin to spend this time with God; He will begin to release the plans and the agenda of the enemy to you. Not only that you will begin to dwell in His secret place.

ACTION POINT: Create time to fellowship with God in praise and worship, bible studies and praying.