MEMORY VERSE: where there is no vision, the people perish, Proverbs 29:18a
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Sam 12, Rom 10, Jer 49, Luke 17
BIBLE STUDY: Genesis 21:17-19
What is vision? Vision is seeing things as God sees them or seeing things through the eyes of God. Hagar was stranded, perplexed, exhausted, confused, perturbed and disturbed because of her lack of vision. She was sitting by well yet she was thirsty and her son also. It wasn’t because she was blind; it was because of her lack of vision. From our bible study we observed that the solution to the problem of Hagar was right beside her but yet she suffered. Until the Lord opened her eyes to see the well , she sat by it crying. The solution to the problem of many is right beside them. All some of us need is make a telephone call and that challenge will be over. A man of God had been looking to buy a church building for several years. The number of the agent to call was stored on his mobile but he never called the agent. One day while eating he heard the voice of God saying make the call and his eyes opened. He remembered a fellow pastor colleague gave him an agent’s number; he stopped what he was doing and made the call. Around six weeks later they were worshiping in their own auditorium.
Water represents life. How unfortunate for Hagar, she was sitting by a well of life yet she had no life – she and her son were about to die of thirst. The husband and wife of some singles are in the same church they have been attending for years, but because they cannot see they keep going from singles gathering to another. I pray that if you are in that shoe the Lord will open your eyes in Jesus name, Amen.
There are several lessons to learn from our bible study. Firstly when a fellow has no vision or is spiritually blind, he suffers unnecessarily. Hagar shouldn’t have experienced thirst in the first place because right beside her was a well. This woman cried and cried because she could not see the well. If care is not taken the people around a fellow who has no vision or who is spiritually blind i.e. his family and those that depend on him may suffer. If the husband is suffering, it will affect the wife and the children. Ishmael was thirsty because her mother could not see. Secondly, Hagar was originally on a journey but had to cancel it when Ishmael began to cry for water. The time she should have used to cover some of distance was spent crying by the well. If one is not careful, the lack of vision can cause a fellow to remain at the same position for a while. If Hagar had seen the well in time, she would have drawn water out of it and continued her journey but because she could not she had to remain at the same position of a while.
PRAYER POINT: Father please open my eyes today.
Bro Samuel - Reaching the world for Jesus