MEMORY VERSE: nevertheless we made our prayers unto God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them, Nehemiah 4:9
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Sam 16, Rom 14, Lam 1, Luke 21
Christianity does not exempt you from life challenges. The fact that you serve God in spirit and truth does not exempt you from facing challenging situations. The fact that you are a faithful tither does not mean you will not have challenges. If anyone tells you that once you give your life to Christ, you will stop facing challenges they are telling you a big lie. According to Psalm 30:5, the righteous will face many unusual challenges but the Lord will deliver him out of it all. John 16:33 says these things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. In our lives we will experience storms but we have nothing to worry about because we have the Prince of peace in our ship. Nehemiah and co were rebuilding the house of God yet the enemies planned an attack.
The first thing to do when you face challenges is to pray not cry or ask questions e.g. why me or panic. The news that the children of Israel were rebuilding the house of God angered Sanballat and Tobiah so they decided to attack them. Immediately Nehemiah and co heard the plans of Sanballat and Tobiah, they prayed not run to herbalist as some do. Many of us are quick to run to people not God when we face challenges. Instead of abandoning the rebuilding works in the temple or giving up on the entire project, they prayed. By reporting a matter to God, you have won 80% of the battle.
After praying they took action. The reason why many of us pray and don’t get results is that we pray and don’t take action. Some of us pray for provision but we never sow after praying. Without sowing there will not be a harvest. There maybe one or two who nurse the ambition of lending to nation like me, we would need to give our first fruits after praying. Do you want expansion? Pay your first fruit increase. Proverbs 3:9-10 says honor the Lord with thy substances and with the first fruit of thy increase so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. Many of us have been praying that the Lord should open the windows of heaven, do you know it is tithing that opens the windows of heaven, Malachi 3:9? According to James 2:14-26, faith without work is dead. After we must have prayed for promotion, let us take action by working on our character, integrity and punctuality at work. After we must have fasted and prayed that the Lord should empower us, lets us take action by living a life of holiness. Not only that, let us begin to study our bible daily , pray in tongue daily , give to the poor .
ACTION: Take action.