Monday, 2 June 2014


MEMORY VERSE: and Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s. And they marveled at him, Mark 12:17

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 21, 1 Thes 4, Dan 3, Ps 44

The Pharisees hated Jesus with a passion. Some of them loved him but the greater majority would do anything to kill Him. On a particular occasion, they sought to trap in words so they asked Him if it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar. Jesus requested for a penny and they gave it to him. He then asked whose picture and title are stamped on this penny. ‘Caesar’s’, they replied. He told them, render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s, Mark 12:17.

There are things that belong to God and there are things that belong to Caesar, in other words there are things that belong to God and there are things that belong to men. This begs the question, what are the things that belong to God? Heaven and earth belongs to God, Genesis 14:19. Psalms 24:1 says the earth is the Lord and the fullness there in. Haggai 2:8 says silver and gold belongs to God. According Psalm 75:6-7, no one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. It is only God who judges, He brings one down, and He exalts another. There are many more things that belong to God for example your tithes belongs to God. Nonpayment of tithes is seen as robbing God, Malachi 3:8-12. Not only that, our body belongs to God. According to 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 our body is the temple of the living God; therefore we must glorify God in our body.

John 3:27 says a man can receive nothing, except it be given from God. Despite the fact that virtually everything belongs to God, there are one or two things that belongs to us. One of it is our decision. God told the children of Israelite ‘today I am setting before you life and death, choose life so that you may live’, Deuteronomy 30:19. God can guide you towards a decision but He will never make the decision for you. It is true that promotion comes from God, but the decision to work hard is yours. Our words and confession also belongs to us. According to Numbers 14:28, whatever God hears you say is what He will do for you but whatever you say is your prerogative. What you confess is what you will possess. The moment your confession changes, your possession also changes.

ACTION POINT: Decide to succeed and begin to confess success.
Bro Samuel - Reaching the world for Jesus

Sunday, 1 June 2014


MEMORY VERSE: shall we give, or shall we not give? But he knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, why ye tempt me? Bring me a penny that I may see it, Mark 12:15

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 20, 1 Thes 3, Dan 2, Ps 42-43

The Pharisees sought to trap Jesus in words , so they asked Him a tricky question in public. Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not? Shall we give, or shall we not give? Jesus knew the reason for the question , He understood the motive of the inquiry so He requested for a penny. When they brought it, He asked them; "whose picture and title are stamped on it?" "Caesar’s", they replied. He said in that case, render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s, Mark 12:17. 

It is essential that before you answer a question, you understand the question. The reason why many students don’t do well in exams is because they do not understand the examiner’s question. When you don’t understand the examiner’s question, you end up answering your own question instead of the examiner’s question and this inevitably leads to poor grades.

It is also very important that you know the intent behind the question. The reason why many don’t do well at interviews is because they do not know intention behind the questions. A classical interview question is what is your greatest weakness? The answer many give is ‘I haven’t any’. Firstly, that answer sounds arrogant and it shows a lack of self-awareness. To answer such a question, you need to understand the question. Not only that, you need to know the intention behind the question. The interviewer has noble intentions, he or she simply wants you to discuss about the skills that are not critical for the job and weakness that you have improved on. Answering a question you do not understand can lead to embarrassment. Answering a question you do not understand can lead to poor grade and if care is not taken, it can lead to failure. Understanding a question before answering it, can save one’s life. The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus in words, because he perfectly understood the question and their intentions, he was able to give them an answer that saved His life.

SUMMARY: It is better to keep quiet than answer a question you do not understand. 

Bro Samuel - Reaching the world for Jesus.

Saturday, 31 May 2014


MEMORY VERSE: say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings, Isaiah 3:10 
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 19, 1 Thes 2, Dan 1, Ps 40-41 
Pain has its advantages. Although we all dread it, the ability to feel pain or experience pain is crucial to our survival. I never knew the ability to feel pain was a favor from God until I heard the story of a sister. Her mum had challenges in the area of her health and her feet went numb. Mama lived in the country side and preferred to walk barefooted. Since most of the roads were not tarred, there were sharp stones and objects everywhere.  If she dashed her feet on a rock, she wouldn't feel anything. It was so terrible that one of mama’s toes had to be cut off because of a deep cut. No one could really explain how she sustained the cut, but she had a cut and mama did not know until people saw mama’s leg bleeding. By the time they rushed her to the hospital it was too late. Because of her condition, they had to hire a nurse to inspect her feet for any cuts or wound from time to time. Pain informs you that you are in a territory you should not be in or you are doing something you should not do. Pain at times informs our decision. The pain of failure is what motivates some to work hard and succeed. 
Do you know that challenges have its advantages? Only the living face challenges. God already knows that the challenges you are going through will not kill you or mark your end. Isaiah 3:10 says say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.  It shall be well with you. One of the reasons why God permits challenges is because He knows that those challenges will cause us to fast and pray which will in turn develop us spiritually. Years ago, I used to see dogs chasing me in my dreams. During that period I faced a major challenge which caused me to really pray and fast. The Lord dealt with the challenge and I had my peace. I noticed that after the rigorous fasting and praying, I stopped seeing dogs chasing me in my dream. By the special grace of God, when I now see leopards in my dream I chase them and they run, praise God. The Lord knew that the challenge was not going to mark my end, He permitted it to that so that I would fast and pray which helped me to develop my spiritual muscles. Challenges also help in developing one’s faith. Every time God takes care of challenges in your life, your faith in Him grows. The next time you see a man of faith, remember you are looking at man who has faced many challenges. 
SUMMARY: Without test there will not be a promotion. Without trials there will not be a testimony. You are facing that challenge because God is setting you up for a mega testimony.
Bro Samuel - Reaching the world for Jesus

Friday, 30 May 2014


MEMORY VERSE: and the Lord said unto him, what is in thine hand? And he said, a rod, Exodus 4:2

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 17, Col 4, Ezek 47, Ps 38

BIBLE STUDY: Exodus 4:1-4

The Lord saw how the Egyptians treated the children of Israel; he picked Moses to lead them out. For a reason or two, Moses felt he was not up to the task so he began to give God excuses. He asked for a sign to show to the children of Israel. Exodus 4:2 says and the Lord said unto him, what is in thine hand? And he said, a rod. The Lord told him to drop the rod .He did and the rod turned into a snake. The Lord told him to pick up the snake by its tail, Moses did and the snake turned into a rod.
Firstly, you will never realize the potential in what is in your hand until you release it to God. The rod of Moses in Exodus 4:2 became the rod of God in Exodus 4:20. In Exodus 14:14-22, Moses lifted the rod and the sea parted into two. The rod became a tool for dividing waters (taking care of challenges). If Moses had not obeyed God and released the rod, he would not have realized the potential in his rod. To realize the potential in that connection you have, use it for God and for the gospel. There are many who think their life is useless, friends your life is not useless. If you want to realize the potential in you, release yourself to God and you will be amazed. That seed (money) in your hand has the potential of yielding hundred fold returns. You will never realize that potential until you release it God. Paul realized the potential in him when he gave himself to the gospel. By the time we get to Acts 19:11, we see aprons from the body of Paul casting out demons.
The rod of Moses had the potential to kill i.e. become a snake (an angel of death). That rod had potential to destroy Moses but he did not know until he obeyed the voice of God and dropped it. The rod became a snake and Moses fled. There are things in our hands that have the potential to destroy us. For instance anger has the potential to destroy a blossoming relationship or growing ministry and many do not know. That is why God is saying drop it. Ecclesiastes 7:9 says anger rest in the bosom of fools. Bitterness and unforgiveness have the potential to put a fellow into spiritual bondage. The spirit of bitterness and unforgiveness hand people over to tormentors. Until you drop them at the feet of Jesus, you will not know true peace. Sin has the potential of turning a son into a slave and God is saying flee away from all appearances of evil, 1 Thessalonians 5:22.
NOTE: The only way to realize the potential in a thing is by giving it to God.
Bro Samuel – Reaching the world for Jesus.

Thursday, 29 May 2014


MEMORY VERSE: and he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come, Luke 19:13

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 15, Col 2, Ezek 45, Ps 36

BIBLE STUDY: Luke 19:12-24

A certain noble man had ten servants. Because these servants had served him well over the years, he decided to set them up in business. He gave each servant a capital of one pound to trade with. When he came back, one of the servants had turned the pound into ten pounds. The impressed nobleman rewarded him with ten cities. Another brought a return of five pounds and the nobleman gave him five cities. There was an unwise one who did not bother at all. You know the end of the story.
Ten servants were giving the same capital to trade with i.e. opportunities but their returns varied. The reason for this was because they reacted to the opportunity to trade differently. One grabbed it with his two hands, another didn’t even bother. How come a man is singled out of many for promotion? They do the same job; they probably started at the same time; they face the same challenges at work daily; they were given the same opportunities to prove themselves, how come? Their reaction to the opportunity to serve or work at that company varied. While some were complaining about the management, he minded his business and did his work. While others were arguing with the managers, he listened and ran with the instruction he was given .While others do only what they are paid for, he does extra. Before you know it, the manager will start singing his praise before senior managers and in no time he will be recommended for promotion.
The servants of the noble man were rewarded based on how they reacted to the opportunity to trade. How do you react to the opportunity to come and worship in the house of God? On Sundays, do you only attend family service and miss Sunday school? Do you only attend revivals and skip bible studies? How do you react to medical advices? You have been advised to stay away from certain food, whilst praying for divine healing are you still taking the food the doctors have warned you against? As believers, we are instructed to produce fruits and our fruits must abide, John 15:16.There are two types of fruit here 1) fruit of the spirit – love, patience, kindness etc. Are those fruits visible in your life? 2) Soul winning. How many souls have you won to Christ this year? How many follow up have you done?
NOTE: The noble man in the parable is God and He rewards based on our reactions to the opportunity He has given to us.
Bro Samuel – Reaching the world for Jesus

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


MEMORY VERSE: because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression, Romans 4:15. 
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 13, Phil 4, Ezek 43, Ps 34 
Romans 4:15 says because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. If there were no law, we would all be innocent. According to Romans 5:13 , sin had already been in the world long before the law was given, but it was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to break. If that was so, why was the law introduced then? I mean if there were no law there would not be any need for hell (although hell was created for Satan and his hosts anyway), but no human would end up there if there were no law. 
Was the law then created to penalize? No, the law was created for the common good of all. The law was to protect. God gave the law for our common good not for His benefit. For instance the law – thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13) is there to protect you, your family and friends; we all know no one can kill God. The reason why some of us are alive is because of that law. Considering some of the things we did before we met Christ, we should have been stoned to death. Recently a lady was sharing with us how Exodus 20:13 saved her life. Her mother became pregnant with her at a time when things were very bad. The mother considered abortion, but the law did not permit her. She finally gave birth to a baby girl; today that baby girl is now a 22 year old lawyer. Before you abort that baby think twice; you could be aborting the only child you would have in life or the next prime minister or doctor. Exodus 20:14 saysthou shall not commit adultery. God does not have a wife so He is not trying to protect His wife from you. The essence of that law is to protect your wife. 
All of God’s law is to protect us from harm. The law also encourages us to give honor to who honor is due. If not for Ephesians 6:1 – children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right, there are some who would have beaten up their parents in the Lord and inherit a curse. Ephesians 6:2 says honour thy father and mother, (which is the first commandment with promise). This is another law which encourages giving honor to who honor is due. Thank God for this law, I have seen crazy children beat up their parents and parents –in-law. The law of God is not to reveal our faults. If before you gave your life to Christ, you had beaten up your parents either verbally or physically you better go and apologize before the heavens above your head turns into brass. 
SUMMARY: By obeying the laws of God, you are making the world a better to live. Not only that, you are also protecting lives and properties.
Bro Samuel – Reaching the world for Jesus.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014


MEMORY VERSE: then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon; and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh, Genesis 41:14

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 12, Phil 3, Ezek 42, Ps 33

Pharaoh had two dreams, when he woke up his heart was troubled. He told the dreams to his wise men, but none of them could interpret them. The chief butler remembered how Joseph had interpreted his dream in the king’s prison so he recommended Joseph. The king asked for him, within minutes Joseph was standing before Pharaoh. After interpreting the dreams , the King made him a prime minister. Before appearing before the king, Joseph did two things. Genesis 41:14 says then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon; and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh.

The first thing Joseph did was he shaved himself. A young man was sharing with us how his beards worked against him at interviews. His barber suggested he shaved it but he didn't pay any attention to it. Out of curiosity, he decided to check the pictures of all the successful men in the world and he found out that most of them had a clean shave. He attended his next job interview clean shaven and got the job. Have you ever seen a president or king with a goatee? Clean shave makes you look younger, neater, kingly and respectable. Joseph stood before Pharaoh clean shaved and Pharaoh saw the prime minister in him.

The second thing Joseph did was he changed his raiment which tells you different clothes have different purposes. There is a way to dress when you are in the bedroom with your husband or wife, there is a way to dress when you have visitors, and there is a way to dress  when you are going for interviews. For example avoid too many bright colors and please don’t wear a green suit or yellow suit or purple suit to a job interview. There is a way to dress when you are going for evangelism. When you are coming before God you put on your best because you are coming to meet the King of kings. When you are going for evangelism, you dress well. The changed raiment also signifies a changed mentality. When Joseph stood before Pharaoh, he spoke with authority like a prime minister not a prisoner. Joseph’s physical appearance played a major role in Pharaoh’s decision to make him a prime minister.

ACTION POINT: Always comb your hair and women should keep their hair neat.

Bro Samuel - Reaching the world for Jesus.