Sunday, 7 September 2014


MEMORY VERSE: Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. Ecclesiastes 12:1

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Hosea 13- Joel 1

Ecclesiastes 12:1 says remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. The question is , why does the preacher, the author of Ecclesiastes, wants us to remember our Creator in the days of our youth? Why not remember Him (our Creator), when we are old with grey hair? Why not remember Him after we have enjoyed life? Why not remember God after pension? Why not remember our Creator after marriage or our first child?

The most important time in your life is now. If you are a youth and reading this , I congratulate you because you are the envy of the old people . The decisions you make right now, will determine your future. The old people around you, they are where they are today because of the decisions they made when they were youths. The most important time in your life is now; you will go through this phase only once! Whether you like it or not, you will only be a ‘sweet 16’ , 18 years old or 24 years old once in a life time. A time is coming, sister, when you will not be able to wear those high heels again. A time is coming, brothers, when your haircuts will not matter to you anymore. If you mess up now (in your youth), you may still make heaven (if you give your life before you die and live holy), but, the scars will be forever. There are things even prayer cannot undo, for example, if you become pregnant whilst you are in secondary, the stigma will be for life. Several months back, I sat in the sitting room of a very successful man. He had a PhD; he knew the bible like the back of his hands. As he spoke to me about his family, he began to shed tears. Why? This old man had made some irremediable mistakes when he was a youth. The enemy’s main priority is to ensure that you do not become who God wants you to be. He will do anything to mess up your today so as to destroy your future. Will you allow him do that? A beautiful lady, virgin, escorted her friends to a club because she was bored at home. Whilst there, someone laced her juice with a pill. When it was time to go home, her friends began to look for her and could not find her. Later they found her lying unconscious in a room with some men. The men were arrested and tested for HIV. The blood test revealed that one of the boys had HIV, she was infected while they were raping her. Jesus is saying, ‘son/ daughter, come to Me and secure your future.’ The ball is in your court. If I were you, I will give my life to Christ now. If I were you, I will vow to serve Him with everything I have so that I will not look back one day and say, ‘had I known.’ The time to work hard is now. The time to graduate with a first class is now. The time to be exceptional in all you do is now! The time to do some serious fasting and praying is now. The time to seek the face of God concerning His purpose for your life is now.

ACTION: Remember the youths in your prayers.

Bro Samuel |Reaching the world for Jesus.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014


MEMORY VERSE : and the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes; children in whom was no blemish, but well favored, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and tongue of the Chaldeans. Daniel 1:3-4

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : Hosea 10-12

BIBLE STUDIES : Daniel 1:1-5

Despite several warnings from the Lord to the people of Israel to change their ways and desist from serving Baal, they refused and as a result went into captivity. Despite several warnings from the Lord, are you still doing those things, He has asked you not to do? Are you still involved in pre- marital sex? Are you still involved in adultery? Are you still committing abortion? Are you still involved in exam malpractices? Despite several warnings that tobacco smoking causes lung cancer, are you still smoking? Despite several warnings that alcohol causes liver cirrhosis, are you still consuming alcohol?

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, besieged Jerusalem and took everyone captive. When he returned to Babylon, he began fortifying his kingdom. Daniel 1:3-4 says and the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes; children in whom was no blemish, but well favored, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and tongue of the Chaldeans. The question is, why Jewish youths? Why did he not request for the middle-aged men of Judah? Why did he not ask Ashpenaz to gather the elders of Judah? Amongst the captives, were warriors, politicians, generals, ministers, who served under Jehoiakim, king of Judah, why not pick from them?

Nebuchadnezzar knew that the youths are the future of a family, ministry, nation, etc. To finish a nation, all one needs to do is capture their youths. Babylon represents the kingdom of darkness today. The same agenda is in place now; the enemy is working hard to take them away from the fold. It was the youths, the disciples of Jesus, who took the gospel to every part of the world. Today, where are the youths? How many of them still evangelize? How many still covet the gifts of the Holy Spirit? The enemy is using sex, fame, money, music, etc, to lure them away. We are gradually losing them; majority of them are no longer interested in having a relationship with God. What is cool amongst our youths are what God hates with a passion - tattoos, sexual immoralities, disobedience to parents and authorities, etc. Holiness,righteousness, sex after marriage are now a taboo amongst them.

PRAYER : Father, we come against every agenda of the enemy to destroy our youths

Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.

Monday, 1 September 2014


MEMORY VERSE: and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:26


As I said yesterday, many a times, opportunities come disguised as a disadvantage. When I was young, I talked very fast, everyone kept on asking me to repeat myself. This was very frustrating as I was not doing it intentionally: this was how I talked. Not only that, I stammered a lot too. It gets worse when I am either nervous or angry. My friends back then will tease and make fun of me. I remember them saying, “ da ..da…da..daddy (jokingly).” As a child, I saw this as a disadvantage. When I gave my life to Christ, people started talking about witnessing and going out to evangelize. I told God I cannot evangelize because I talked fast and stammered; no one would listen. One day while chatting with a group of friends, I noticed that every time I tried to say something either to pass a comment or make a contribution, everyone would keep quiet. At first I did not understand why but later it hit me. They kept quiet so as to be able to hear me when i speak. How I perceived things changed from that day. Sometimes back, I witnessed to a young man. As I spoke, he was very quiet, suddenly he began to cry. The Holy Spirit convicted him, immediately he repented and rededicated his life to Christ.

Romans 8:26 says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. There is a purpose for everything you go through in Christ. A King had a male servant who, in all circumstances always said to him,"my king, do not be discouraged because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes." One day, they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king, the servant managed to kill the animal but could not prevent his majesty from losing a finger. Furious and without showing gratitude, the King said, "if God was good, I would not have been attacked and lost one finger." The servant replied, "despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good and everything He does is perfect, He is never wrong." Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant. While being taken to prison, he told the king again, "God is good & perfect." Another day, the king left alone for another hunt and was captured by savages who use human beings for sacrifice. On the altar, the savages found out that the king did not have one finger in place; he was released because he was considered not " complete" to be offered to the gods. On his return to the palace, he ordered the release of his servant and said, "my friend, God was really good to me. I was almost killed but for lack of a single finger, I was let go. But I have a question; If God is so good, why did He allow me to put you in prison?" His servant replied, "my king, if I had not been put in prison, I would have gone with you, and would have been sacrificed, because I have no missing finger." Everything God does is perfect, He is never wrong. Often we complain about life, and the negative things that happen to us, forgetting that everything happens for a purpose. There is a purpose for that thing in your life; it could be there to draw you closer to Christ. The moment you get closer to Christ, it will disappear. Today, I know longer stammer, but people still keep quiet when I speak.

NOTE: If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.

Saturday, 30 August 2014


MEMORY VERSE: But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.Jonah 1:3

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Zechariah 8-12

Tarshish simply represents a place outside the presence of the Lord. Jonah 1:3b says so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. This prophet knowingly, deliberately, willingly, intentionally, left the presence of God to go to Tarshish. When he left the presence of God, the first place he went to was Joppa. 'Joppa' is the middle ground between God’s presence and Tarshish. You see, no one travels from God’s presence straight to Tarshish; they have to get to Joppa first. Backsliding is not instant. It is gradual; this is why many fall without knowing. To avoid falling, you and i, must watch and pray. David had already started to backslide, long before he committed adultery with Bathsheba (Uriah’s wife). 2 Samuel 11: 1 saysAnd it came to pass, after the year was expired, at the time when kings go forth to battle, that David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the children of Ammon, and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried still at Jerusalem. The ark of God was at the battlefield and David stayed back at home. His Royal Highness, decided to rest before God gave him rest. The leader of the army of the Lord, the man who was meant to be fighting for the Lord, desired to rest during battle. Friends, are you resting before the finish line? Sir, have you the left the task of praying for your family, to your wife while you sleep? Sir, have you left the task of praying and interceding for the church, to the prayer warriors while you sleep?

One would have thought, the king would busy himself, with the task of praying and fasting. Instead, he slept. 2 Samuel 11:2 says and it came to pass in an evening tide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon. His Excellency, King David, spent the whole day sleeping. The bible says and it came to pass in an evening tide, that David rose from off his bed. As you can see, he had begun to backslide, long before he saw the naked woman. He had left God’s presence and was now sleeping. No wonder, immediately he saw the woman, he could not resist the temptation. He fell and paid dearly for it. David left the presence of God and began to see strange things – some one’s wife bathing. Out of God’s presence are many strange things. It is when you leave God’s presence; you start to see nothing wrong in watching pornographic movies. It is when you leave God’s presence; you start to observe that, you no longer have time for yourself again. You suddenly realize, you are spending too much time for God. It is there, you start to see nothing wrong in passing the night at your fiancĂ©’s house.

PONDER: Are you beginning, to see nothing wrong, in telling little white lies? Are you beginning, to see nothing wrong, in missing church services? Ask the Lord to wake you up.
Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.

Friday, 29 August 2014


MEMORY VERSE: Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying. Jonah 1:1

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Zechariah 5-7

Jonah was a mighty prophet of God. The bible introduced him to us, as a man unto whom the word of the Lord came. Do you know all the people that became great (in the things of God), became great because of the word of the Lord that came unto them? All the people, referred to as prophets (in the bible and today) became prophets when the word of the Lord came to them. The same way the bible described Jonah, is exactly the same way, the bible introduced John the Baptist (the greatest of the Old Testament prophet). This is how the bible described Jonah in Jonah 1:1: “the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying.” Let us look at how the bible, introduced John the Baptist in the book of Luke. Luke 3:2 says Annas and Caiaphas being the high priests, the word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. What made John the Baptist great was the word of the Lord that came unto him. The same thing Isaiah, the bible says and the word of the Lord came to Isaiah (Isaiah 38:4). Jonah was an established prophet of God, the word of the Lord came to him regularly and those words came to past. For instance, Jonah prophesied that Jeroboam will restore the coast of Israel from the entering of Hamath unto the sea of the plain and it came to past ( 2 Kings 14:25). Everyone around knew Jonah, the prophet of God, a servant of God, the man whose prophesies always comes to past.

When the bible wanted to report on the life of Jonah in Jonah 1, it started with the word ‘now’, before telling us how the word of the Lord came to him, and how he disobeyed and ran to Tarshish and so on. The word ‘now’ means ‘at this present time’. The word ‘now’ discountenances the past and the future. It takes into account, only the present not the past, or the future. Whatever a man was, is history; whatever he plans or hopes to be, is an unsure future. What is most relevant is our ‘now’. There is a reason, why the bible started Jonah’s story with the word ‘now’, whatever Jonah was or did in the past is history. His prophecies that came to past; how he served the Lord; how the word of the Lord came to him; etc, were all Jonah’s history. The bible is interested in telling us about his ‘now’; his current relationship with God; his current attitude to word of God; his spiritual life presently. What the bible recorded about Jonah’s, present, spiritual life is disappointing. We read about a mighty prophet of God, who used to be hot for the Lord, now intentionally, willingly, deliberately disobeying God. Friends, whatever you have done for the Lord in the past is history, what matters, is what you are doing for the Lord now. How the Lord used to speak to you is history, presently, does He speak to you? How you used to win souls for Christ is history, presently, do you still win souls for Christ? How you used to serve in the vineyard of God; how you used to share tracts; how you used to fast and pray for hours; etc, is all history. What matters is your present. What you and I, used to be is history, and honestly, it does not matter. What we are now, presently, is what matters. God is interested in your ‘now’, not your past! Your sacrifices of the past are history, what are you sacrificing for Christ now?

TO PONDER AND PRAY : Is your spiritual life , presently, a shadow of your past spiritual life? Cry to God for restoration.

Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


MEMORY VERSE: Therefore, also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshipped the Lord there. 1 Samuel 1:28


 Romans 8:26 says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Although, many of us know this verse by heart, deep within , we find it hard to accept. How can being sacked for a minor mistake, work to my good? Recently, a brother sent his experience to us and I will like to share it with you. Not too long ago, he went to do a job for someone. Whilst working, he made a minor mistake (something anyone would overlook) and was sacked. On his way home, sad and dejected, his phone rang. It was a particular client he had vowed never to work for due to his experience with him in the past. Because he needed a job badly, he picked the call and was given a job. After completing that job, the client gave him another job. After completing that, he gave him another. Ever since, he has been receiving jobs after jobs from this client (he vowed never to work for again). Had it been, he was not sacked from the first job, he would not have picked this client’s call and the job would have been given to another.

As I said yesterday, nine out of ten times, opportunities do not always appear as opportunities at first glance. At times, they comes disguised as a disadvantage. While other children grew up at home, Samuel grew up in the temple (1 Samuel 1:27-28). Whilst other children saw their mums and dads daily, this boy saw his parents once a year. Whilst every child was playing with toys and all, he was busy washing the temple floors and pots. At first glance, no one would count that as an opportunity, but at the end, Samuel became a national leader. That ‘temple boy’ ended up as a kingmaker. Not growing up with your parents does not put you at a disadvantage as far as God is concerned. It could actually be an opportunity for you to be trained for your future. That appointment that seems like a 'set up for failure' could be an opportunity for promotion. Before rejecting that offer, why not take it to the Lord in prayer, it could be a divine opportunity to turn things around for you. Have you been posted to an area where no one has ever recorded success? Do not fret or panic, just commit it to God. Others may go and fail, you will go and succeed.
PRAYER: Father, please help me to recognise opportunities around me

Bro Samuel| Reaching the world for Jesus. 

Monday, 25 August 2014


MEMORY VERSE: and when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18


A wise man once said, ‘if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.’ Do you know that, nine out of ten times, opportunities do not appear as opportunities at first glance? This is why many of us miss it. Who would have thought, the agenda to wipe out tiny Judah in Chronicles 20, was a divine opportunity to enrich them? Opportunities can also come disguised as persecution or hatred for no good reason. A typical example of this can be found in Genesis 37. The brothers of Joseph hated him for no good reason. Genesis 37:8 says and when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him. What a world! Thank God, Reuben rescued him from their hands; otherwise, they would have beaten him to death. At the end, they sold him to slavery. The brothers thought, they had succeeded in putting an end to his dream. Unknown to them, they were fulfilling God’s plan. In Egypt, Joseph became a prime minister and a father to Pharaoh. Had it been, they left him alone, he would have remained at home and end up as a nobody. That persecution in your place of work could be an opportunity for you to start your own business.

Recently, an ex- NASA scientist (now a pastor), shared with us an incident that changed his life forever. Whilst in secondary school, back in Africa, his mathematics teacher gave the class an exercise from the mathematics workbook. On completing the exercise, he took the workbook to his maths teacher. After marking his work, the teacher asked why he did not complete the Part B of the question. ‘Oh sir, you only asked us to do Part A,’ he responded. The man, huge peace corps from USA, stood up and gave him a dirty slap. He went back to his seat wondering, what he did wrong. Whilst everyone made fun of him because of the dirty slap, he sat quietly and wondered what he did to deserve the dirty smack in the face. Suddenly, it dawned on him; the teacher expected more from him because he was the best. The next day, at class again, the man gave another exercise from the same workbook. This time around, he completed all the exercise in the workbook. Whilst in form 4, the man told him to get the mathematics workbook for form 5 and complete all the exercise. That was it! He graduated from secondary school with distinctions. He graduated from university with a first class; NASA heard about him and employed him. All of these, came at the cost of a dirty slap whilst in secondary school. That thing you are facing could be what God wants to use to prepare you for your glorious future. That persecution in ministry is your desert experience, it is your opportunity to learn to depend on God for virtually everything.

PRAYER POINT: Father, please open my eyes so that I will not miss any opportunities again in life

Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.