Thursday 18 July 2013


 MEMORY VERSE : But the wisdom from above is is first pure, then peaceable,gentle,and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. James 3:17 

 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : Lev 16, Ps 19, Pr 30, 1 Tim 1. 

 BIBLE STUDIES : Genesis 16:1-6 

 The word 'good idea' is relative. A good idea yesterday could turn out to be a bad idea today e.g. in the area of Nigeria where I came from, it used to be a good idea to have tribal marks. Today it is not so anymore. Also a bad idea yesterday could turn out to be a good idea today. Hundreds of years ago it was a bad idea to educate girls not anymore . Thank God we now have female doctors, pilots even prime ministers. A good idea in one part of the world could turn out to be a bad idea in another part of the world an vice versa. In western culture it is a good idea to keep eye contact when you are been addressed by someone older. It means you are listening and you are not hiding anything. Meanwhile in Africa it is considered rude and could attract the wrath of the fellow addressing you. 

 A good idea in one religion is a very bad idea in another religion. In Christianity it is ok to eat beef but in Hindu religion cows are sacred. One thing with all good ideas is that it may bring an un-intended response or it can turn out to be a bad idea after all. In our bible studies is a prime example of this. Abram and Sarai thought it was a good idea for Abram to have children through Hagar (Sarai's maid) since Sarai had passed child bearing age. That turned out to be a mistake of a life time because immediately Hagar became pregnant she became rude to her boss. 

 When an idea is of God, it will always turn out good. God's idea always has a God ending i.e. joyous ending. The idea may not seem too good at first but the end is always good. An example of this is found in 2 Chronicles 20:1-26. Two mighty nations - children of Ammon and Moab waged against a very small city of Judah. Jehoshaphat reported this matter to God and the Lord instructed him to go to war with choirs instead of soldiers. This did not seem like a good idea but nevertheless Jehoshaphat obeyed .At the end they won the battle and became rich too.

 ACTON POINT : Always follow God's Idea.

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