Saturday 28 December 2013


MEMORY VERSE: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him, Hebrew 11:6b 
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Josh 24, Acts 4, Jer 13, Matt 27
I have always feel uncomfortable with the concept of Father Xmas, partly because it is not biblically but most importantly because of what it represents. At a particular time of the year, Father Xmas comes and gives gifts to children. Whether the children have been naughty or not, they get a gift. Whether they do their assignments or not they get a gift. Whether they obey their parents or not, they still get a gift. There is nothing wrong in giving gifts to children if the intention is to reward them for obeying Dad and Mum all through the year. It is actually good to reward children for studying hard at school and getting good grades. This is a good way to motivate them to perform better next year. But the concept of Father Xmas is you get something for doing nothing. Not only that, the fellow who has done nothing will get the same thing as the fellow who has worked hard.
The Most High is not a Father Xmas. With Father Xmas, whether you obey your parents or not he will greet you with a smile but God frowns at children who disobey their parents, Exodus 20:12. Whether you have been a naughty child or not Father Xmas gives you an unrestricted access to himself but the Most High does not reward naughty children with unrestricted access to Himself. Whether your clothes are dirty or not he will put you on his laps and play with you. God is too holy to behold uncleanliness. He will never hug a fellow who is not living a righteous and holy life. Oh Father Christmas is never angry, everything you do is right even when you are on the part to hell. It is true God is love, 1 John 4:8 but He is also a consuming fire, Hebrew 12:29. If anyone tells you that God is never angry, it is a big lie. Psalms 7:11 says God is angry with the wicked every day.
Father Xmas does not care about your past or future; all he cares about is the moment. He does not love you, that is why he gives sweet and chocolates even though sweets and chocolates will later destroy your teeth. Our God cares about you and your future. According to Jeremiah 29:11, He wants to give you an expected end. He created heaven with you in mind that is why when He sees a fellow living in sin He is not happy. While the sweets and chocolates of the Father Xmas damage your health, the gifts of God are not only good but perfect, James 1:17. Most importantly, God does not operate on something for nothing. He only rewards those that diligently seek Him, Hebrew 11:6b.
QUESTION: God or Father Xmas?

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