Sunday 2 February 2014


MEMORY VERSE: and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, Ephesians 6:17
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ruth 2, Acts 27, Jer 37, Luke 6
A helmet is a form of protective gear worn to protect the head from injuries. We all know that the head is the most important part of the body. The head contains organs that control and decide the fate of the whole body. In the head you have the mouth, eyes, ears, brain –which is chiefly responsible for making decisions for the whole body. An injury to the head will cause the whole body problems hence the need for a protective gear in battle. Helmets are not worn to show off or because one plans to fall. They are worn not because something will happen but in case something happens. Imagine what will happen if a hammer drops by mistakes on a fellow who is not wearing a helmet in a construction site or something not well secured may falls on him or he trips and falls. If any of these happens without a helmet on, it will be disaster. That is why is it is advisable to wear helmets at all times in construction sites or on motorcycles.
Helmets are to protect against unforeseen calamities. This is why it is good to have a good one or original not a damaged one or fake one. Bible scholars in a bid to explain how David’s stone killed Goliath came up with a lot of stories. Some have said that David aimed at the unprotected skull of Goliath. Others said Goliath took off his helmet to see David because he was so tiny. Immediately Goliath took off his helmet David aimed at his dead. Whatever the school of thought, maybe if the helmet of Goliath had protected the skull securely that stone would not have brought him down. An unsecured helmet or damaged helmet is as good as no helmet.
Helmets are very important because they protect the head. One of the armour of God is the helmet of salvation. We are talking of genuine salvation here, I mean real salvation where old things passes away and all things become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are talking of salvation whereby you can tell people that this and this is what Jesus saved me from. I used to do this and I do it no more, I used to fight but I fight no more ; I used to fornicate but I fornicate no more; I used to sit with several bottles of beers and finished It but I do it no more e.t.c. I am talking of salvation preceded by repentance not remorse. If the head is not protected, any attack from the enemy could lead to death just like we saw in the case of Goliath. If a fellow is not saved, any attack in battle could bring the person down. If a sister is not genuinely saved, I am talking of that salvation whereby your heart is filled with the joy of salvation, an emotional attack to that sister could cause nervous breakdown. If a brother is not genuinely saved, I am talking of that salvation whereby you begin say for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21), any form of attack to the brother could hinder his progress.  A fake salvation is as good as no salvation.
PRAYER POINT:  Father please save me completely today

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