Friday 25 April 2014


MEMORY VERSE: and it shall turn to you for a testimony, Luke 21:13.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Sam 6, 1 Cor 16, Ezek 14, John 15

BIBLE STUDIES: Luke 21:10-13

The fact that we have given our life to Christ does not exempt us from the challenges of life. Actually as a Christians we will face challenges . According Psalms 30:5, we will face many but the good thing is the Lord will deliver us from them all. One of the signs of the end times is we will be persecuted. We will face unusual challenges at work, school, business, ministry e.t.c. At times the unexpected will happen just like it happened to me sometimes last year. I got to work and one of the senior managers called me into a room for short talk. We got into the room and he handed me a letter of suspension; I was at home for over three months.

In Christ there will be challenges. John 16:33 says these things I have spoken unto you, that it me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. One of the things that bring me joy is that Christ has overcome the world for me and I believe He did the same for you too. I remember after one particular prayer meeting during my suspension, a brother walked up to and said ‘Bro Sam, It shall turn to you for testimony’. It did turn to me for a testimony.

Just as Jesus assured His disciples in Luke 21:13 that whatever they may go through it shall to them for testimony, I am also telling you that whatever you may be going through at the moment ,friend it shall turn to you for a testimony. Without trials there will not be a testimony. Without big challenges, there will not be big testimonies. Without fire, there will not be gold. Are you battling with the repossession of your house? It shall turn to you for a testimony. Is your child’s behavior or conduct at school causing you to worry? It shall turn to you for a testimony. I was once suspended from school but today my parents rejoice over my salvation. Several years ago I was giving a month to leave the country; today it has turned to me for a testimony. Some months back I had a big financial challenge. During that period I received a letter from an organization that I had to settle a debt, failure to settle it will result in a court case. The Sunday before the Monday they were going to take me to court, the Lord settled the debt. I want you to know that the challenges you are facing is a divine opportunity from God to give you a testimony. Small challenges births small testimonies but big challenges births big testimonies. 

PRAYER POINT: Father, let all that I will face in the remainder of this year turn to me for a testimony.

Bro Samuel - Reaching the world Jesus

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