Monday 26 January 2015


MEMORIZE: But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped Him. Mark 5:6

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Thessalonians 3 -4, Proverbs 27

BIBLE STUDY: Mark 5:1-19

It is a terrible thing to be alone. It is so bad, even God – Creator of Heaven and Earth, said, “it is not good that the man should be alone (Genesis 2:18).” There is a very big difference between being alone and being lonely. Do you know that one can be in the midst of people and still be alone? It is possible for one to be married and still be alone. There are a lot of married people who are alone. It is possible to live under the same roof with your partner, sleep in the same room, on the same bed, with your partner by your side and still be alone. To be alone is bad, but worse than being alone is being helpless. To be helpless according to Merriam-Webster dictionary means not being able to defend one’s self or being unable to make a situation better/ easier.

The moment we hear the word ‘helpless’, what comes to mind is ‘impotence’, ‘stagnancy’, ‘being stuck’, ‘regression’, ‘weak’, ‘sorrow’, and so on. In our bible study, we read about a man who was totally helpless. A legion demon – over 6,000 demons, decided to turn his body into their residence. They seized him and began to do what they pleased with him. These evil forces drove him out his home to live among tombs. When friends and families caught him and tied him up to help him, he broke the chains and ran away. In broad day light, these forces made him to take off his clothes and walk around naked. (This they did to disgrace him in public). At times, they made him pick up sharp objects and cut himself with it. When there was no sharp object around, he would use stones to cut himself. Imagine the pains he was going through.  These forces, far more powerful and stronger than him, were causing him to destroy his body. The forces inside him were making him to do things he would not normally do. There are many like this man today who are helpless in one area or the other. They have terrible bad habits they want to stop but they can't because they powerless. There are many who do a lot of shameful things – things they do in the secret, they have tried to stop but they can’t. It is as if something is pushing them to do these things. The moment that thing pushes them, that is it. They have tried everything possible – been to doctors, tried to use will power, psyche themselves and nothing seems to be working. For some it is anger, once they become angry they turn into another thing. They lose control of themselves, do and say terrible things – things they would later regret when they calm down. For some it is a habit like smoking and drinking. They can’t do without smoking marijuana daily. They know the side effects of these habits and want to stop but they just can't. For some it is looking at nude pictures. This man knew within himself that except God comes to his rescue, these demons would destroy him. Actually he was on the path to destruction. For some it is their body. They don’t have control over it at all. The moment the urge to sin comes, that is it. Some of what they do when the urges come, they cannot share it with a living soul even their pastor. They have battled these urges unsuccessfully. Helpless as this mad man was, he saw Jesus and he did something i want you to do if you find yourself in a position where you are helpless. Mark 5:6 says, “But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped Him.” Friend, run to Jesus today before that urge destroys you. He is ready save you.

THOUGHTS OF THE DAY: This man did not pretend when he saw Jesus. He did not act as if all is well when actually all is not well. He did not try to cover his weakness from Jesus. He ran to Him and worshipped Him.  

ACTION: The Help of the helpless is still very much alive. What He did thousands of years ago, He is still doing them today and He will do it for you too. Start by worshipping Him before asking Him to help. Run to Him now!


Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.

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