Tuesday 6 October 2015


MEMORY VERSE: Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. Luke 23:34
As I mentioned yesterday, real authority comes when one practices what one preaches. When Jesus taught (according to Matthew 7:9), He taught with authority. Why? He practiced what He preached. In Matthew 5:44, He taught people to love their neighbors, bless those who curse them and pray for those who despite-fully use them and persecute them. A year or two later when He hung on the cross of Calvary, what did He do? Luke 23:24 says, “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.” Jesus will never ask any man to do something He (Himself) doesn't do. Sir /Ma, if you are teaching people to forgive please make sure you forgive too. Just as authority comes when one practices what one preaches, authority becomes eroded when one does immoral things, disobeys human authority or God. A man whose authority became eroded was King David. The whole nation including his mighty men respected him until he committed adultery with Uriah’s wife. Shortly after that, one of his sons dethroned him. To cover his evil act, he ordered Joab (one of his top soldiers) to place Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle and withdraw so that he might be smitten (2 Samuel 11:14-15). Joab did not argue but from that day, David lost all the respect Joab had for him. From that day, Joab began to publicly disrespect the king and there was nothing the king could do.
The authority of some senior managers has now become eroded because they tried to sleep with one of their female staffs. Authority becomes eroded in different ways. If you borrow maybe from your young ones and you refuse to pay, your authority will become eroded. The next time you speak, they won’t pay attention to you. One’s authority also becomes eroded when one is dishonest. Another way one’s authority becomes eroded is by promising so much and delivering little.It is better to promise little and deliver much than promise much and deliver little. Authority becomes eroded when one does not uphold godly standard especially in the presence of one’s subordinates. As a mother, if you are taking your daughters for abortion or buying contraceptive pills for them, your authority over them will erode away. If you are encouraging them to dress hot and expose their bodies, your authority over them will become eroded. As a father, if you are paying people to sit for exams for your son, your authority over that boy will become eroded. Authority also becomes eroded when one lives a careless and carefree life. A Father's authority becomes eroded when he refuses to look after his children. One way to keep one’s authority as parents is to live a godly life. As a leader, if you accept bribe or you are corrupt, your authority will become eroded. Also, if you are a tribalist, your authority will become eroded.
NOTE: Regardless, one must respect people in authority .
Bro Samuel | Reaching the world

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