Showing posts with label Parasites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parasites. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 August 2016


MEMORY VERSE: Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Matthew 7:19

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 3:1-24

In our elementary biology, we learnt about relationships between organisms. There are four basic types of relationships between living organisms: commensalism, endosymbiosis and ectosymbiosis, mutualism and parasitism. Commensalism is simply a relationship between two organisms where one receives a benefit or benefits from the other and the other is not affected by it. A typical example of commensalism is a spider building a web on a tree. Endosymbiosis is when one species lives inside another one and Ectosymbiosis is when one species lives on the surface of the other species. Mutualism is a close relationship where both parties benefit. For instance, mutualism exists between dogs and humans. Dogs supply protection and companionship, and humans provide food and shelter. In parasitism, one organism benefits from the relationship but at the expense of the other. A parasitic relationship can be found between ticks and dog. The tick sucks blood from the dog. The dog loses blood and may die. God bless our teachers.

These four basic types of relationships exist between humans too. Mutualism and parasitism are two obvious ones. You find mutualism between employers and employees. Employees work for their employers and employers paid them in return. Mutualism exists between couples - husband and wife. It exists between parents and children; leaders and followers; pastor and members, etc. Parasitism also exists between employers and employees. We have heard of employers who owe their employees ten months salary. Also, we have heard of employees who don’t work yet they get paid; they get their friends to clock in and out for them. Parasitism exists between couples; parents and children; pastors and members; leaders and followers, etc. We respond to these relationships in different ways. Mutualism? We grow them. We nurture them. Parasitism? We abhor. We move far away from parasites. An elderly man of God was travelling one morning, with a big bag on his head, when he met one of his son-in-the-Lord. The boy said, “Good morning sir" and the old man responded, "good morning son”. A minute later, the man met another son-in-the-Lord. The boy collected the heavy bag and carried it. The old man said, "God bless you my son." The other boy heard it and rushed back to get his own 'God-bless-you-my-son'. The old man literally told him that all he qualified for was a good morning not a God-bless-you. Mutualism between man and God brings blessings whilst parasitism brings curses. As you win souls and ensure that the souls remain in Christ, God will grant your petitions (John 15:16). However, if all you want to do is enjoy God's benefit and contribute nothing, He will cut you off. Matthew 7:19 says: “Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”

QUESTION: How would you describe your relationship with God? Are you a parasite or a laborer with God? In your relationships with people, are you a parasite – always looking for how you can benefit from them and never thinking of how you can be of benefit to them?


Bro Samuel | Reaching the world