Showing posts with label adam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adam. Show all posts

Monday 2 March 2015


MEMORIZE: and the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18 
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalm 1- 5 
Our God is all knowing i.e. omniscient. Job 37:16 says, “Dost thou know the balancing of the clouds, the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge?” God knew Adam before He created him. Jeremiah 1:5a says, “Before i formed thee in the belly I knew thee.” He knew what his needs were going to be so He made provisions for them. He knew Adam would need food so He created lots of trees in the Garden of Eden. He knew Adam would need to drink water after eating so He put a river in the midst of the Garden (Genesis 2:10). He knew Adam would not need clothes because His glory was going to be his covering so He didn’t bother to give him clothes. Whatever Adam needed, He created them either before creating him or after creating him. God in His wisdom knew that Adam was going to be alone in the Garden and would need a wife. The question is why didn’t He create a woman from the man immediately after He created the man? He obviously knew that the man He had created would be in need of a wife, why wait a while before giving him a wife? 
Adam went through several stages in his life and every man or woman reading this – especially single people- are presently in one of these stages. We find ‘stage 1’ in Genesis 2:7 – “and the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Adam – at this point – did not know where his life was going. He had no job or responsibility. God had not even showed him His purpose for his life. He was more like a floater in the Garden. At stage 1, God did not talk about giving him a wife because he was not qualified to be any woman’s husband. Then Adam moved to ‘stage 2’ in Genesis 2:15 – “and the LORD God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” Adam now had a job – he was responsible for dressing and keeping the Garden. If it was today, i would have said Adam was now earning salary. Yet at this stage, God did not give him a wife. He did not even consider it. Why? Although Adam was now gainfully employed, he still cannot be a husband because he had not learnt to walk with God. The fact that a man has a job does not mean he is a marriage material. The fact that he can put food on the table does not mean he is God's will for your life. Shortly after this, Adam moved to the next level, ‘stage 3’, in Genesis 2:16-17 – “and the LORD God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Adam now had a proper relationship with God. He was able to hear the voice of God and talk back to God. God was giving him instructions and he was following it. His relationship with God was growing. It was at this point God said, it is not good for the man, Adam, to be alone. Genesis 2:18 says, “And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” The man was already in ‘stage 3’ before God decided that it was not good for him to be alone. The time of waiting on God for a marriage partner is not a time to go from party to party hoping to meet a man. It is not a time to give your mobile number to every random guy that speaks to you on the bus. It is a time to work on your relationship with God. It is a time to develop your spirit man because you will need it in marriage. 
ADVISE: If you have a friend, a brother, a sister or child that is of marriageable age who is yet to be married, please do not put pressure on them. A lot of us indirectly put unnecessary pressure on single people and these causes them to fall into the wrong hands. The best way to help our single brothers and sisters is to pray for them not put pressure on them or remind them that they are getting old. 
PRAYER POINT: Father, please provide our single brothers and sisters with the bone of their bones and flesh of their flesh. 
Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus. 

Saturday 9 August 2014


Memory verse: And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. Genesis 2:21

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 20-21

We find an account of how God created Eve in Genesis 2:21-22. Eve is Adam’s wife, and she is God’s favour. The bible says in Proverbs 18:22, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favour from the LORD.” When God wanted to favour Adam i.e. give him a good thing, He caused a deep sleep to fall upon him. While he slept, the Lord took one of his ribs and formed Eve. When God wants to work in a life, He loves to be given free hand. Had it been Adam was awake, he would have had his way. While God was creating Eve, he would have dictated his specification to God. “ Oh please, i want her head to be like that of a rhinoceros; i want her neck to be like that of a giraffe; i want her legs to be like that of a mouse ; etc...” I cannot imagine how Eve would have looked with such a specification. To do a perfect job, God administered an anaesthetic to Adam. When God later brought Eve to him, he was speechless: she was a perfect creation.

If you want a good and a perfect gift from God, you need to ask Him, first, and then go to sleep.(By going to sleep, i do not mean,live a careless life or become idle). By going to sleep, i mean, put everything in His able hands, and leave it there. The reason why God has not started work in the life of many today is because they are still awake. Some of us are still in the habit of forcing our will into His will. It will not work; it is either His will or our will. Every wise man and woman knows that His will is always perfect, because what informs their will, is wants instead of needs. Over that matter, take it to Him in prayer and leave it there. Many are yet to receive what God has in store for them because of the idols they have set up in their hearts. By idols, i mean , images and ideas of the perfect contract, perfect job, perfect life partner; perfect ministry; perfect business; perfect organisation to work for. Do you know what will become of that organization you are dying to work for now? Only God knows the future, that brother that is struggling today may become a billionaire tomorrow.

As i said yesterday, there many reading this piece (and there are many who will read this piece), God is at work trying to give them His best, but because they are awake, they are giving God problems. Friend, that thing you want by all means, have you for a second asked yourself, is this what God wants for me? Many are wrestling with God, God is trying to take some things out of their hands, and they are doing everything to keep hold of those things. Do not with wrestle with God; there is a reason why He wants you to hand over that thing to Him. Until we all get to that point where we will say, “ Lord , take over the affairs of my life, what you want is what i want”, we will not receive God’s best.

PRAYER POINT: Father, i hand over the affairs of my life to you, please do as you please and give me Your best.

Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.

Friday 8 August 2014


Memory verse: And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. Genesis 2:21

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 17-19

In Genesis 2, we see the first instance of an anesthetic being administered. (An anesthetic is a form of drugs administered to facilitate surgery). Depending on the type, it can relieve pain, give you amnesia to knock out your memory of the procedure or how it felt, reduce anxiety (because who doesn't have anxiety when undergoing a medical procedure?) and paralyze your muscles. Without an anesthetic, it will be difficult to perform an operation because the fellow (being operated upon) will cause problems. The moment he sees the surgeons, trying to cut off something from his stomach, he will protest. Not only that, if the operation will last for 16 hours, it will be impossible to keep the fellow still for that long, as such, an anesthetic will be needed to knock out the fellow for the period of operation. In summary, an anesthetic gives the doctor an opportunity to do his job without interference from the patient.

When the Lord wanted to create Eve, the first thing He did was, He administered a divine anesthetic to Adam .Genesis 2:21 says and the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. Eve represents a good thing and God’s favor in the life of Adam. (Proverbs 18:22 says whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD). Had God not administer an anesthetic to Adam, he will not have allowed God to open him up, talkless of take out a rib. Had it been that, God did not cause a deep sleep to fall upon Adam while creating Eve; God would not have been able to create a perfect female. He might have asked God to make her head look that of a lion; her neck like that of a giraffe; her leg like that of a rat, etc. Imagine how Eve would have looked with Adam's specification. To give him His best, He caused him to sleep and formed a perfect female from the rib He took. The reason why God is yet to work in some of our lives is because we are still awake i.e. we are yet to commit everything into His hands and go to sleep. (By sleeping, i do not mean backslide or live a careless life). Unless we “sleep” and allow Him to work on our life, we will never get His best. There are many reading this devotional, God is trying to build things and give them His best, but because they are awake, they are giving God problems. This applies especially to the singles, God brought a brother or sister to complement them, because the sister or brother does not fit the image they have created in their heart, they reject it. You do not marry for the present but for the future. If you want God to provide a man or woman for you, please, first of all, destroy that idol you have set up in your heart i.e. erase that “ideal”, that image of how your future partner should look. Forget about height, stature, look, beauty, ability to preach or sing. Keep on asking God to bring the man or woman and go to bed over how he or she looks, what he or she does for a living, the educational background of the brother or sister. Even while you are in a relationship, do not try to force things, just commit everything in His hands and go to sleep. A lot try to force things, at the end they marry the wrong person. Do not sleep in his house because you want the relationship to work. Do not start cooking for him because you want the relationship to work.

PRAYER POINT: Father, whatever it is that You are not building that I am trying to build, please collapse it immediately.

Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.