BIBLE IN ONE YEAR Gen 46, Mark 16, Job 12, Romans 16
Genesis 13:10 and Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of
Jordan that it was well watered everywhere, before the Lord destroyed
Sodom and Gomorrah , even as the garden of the Lord, like the land of
Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoar
BIBLE STUDIES: Genesis 13:6-15
There was a big strife between herdsmen of Lot and Abram over wells
and pastures. This strife began to affect the relationship between Lot
and his cousin – Abram. Abram suggested to his cousin that they separate
and Lot should pick a portion of land. When Lot wanted to pick, he
employed his eyes instead of God. He relied on his physical vision and
common sense to make a life changing decision. The bible records that he
lifted up his eye and beheld all he plain of Jordan that it was well
watered everywhere. He made his decision based on what he saw – a well
watered land not what he heard from God. His wants played a major role
in the decision he made that day. Despite the fact that he was aware of
the ways and lifestyles of the inhabitants of Sodom, he remained in
Sodom because of business. The family of Lot profited a lot from doing
business with the people of Sodom.They made him their judge and gave him
a seat at the city gate. Lot’s priorities hinged on worldly gains not
heavenly gains.
Shortly after he moved to Sodom, another king waged war against Sodom
and took him captive, Genesis 14:1- end. God used Abram to deliver him.
The next thing that happened was he got into a bigger trouble and began
to exchange his daughters for peace. The men of Sodom tried to molest
his guests. To protect them, he had to offer his daughters to them for
the peace and safety of his guests, Genesis 19:4-8. On the same day, the
judgment of the Lord came on the Sodom and he had to run for his dear
life. Lot did not know peace in Sodom as he jumped from one problem to
another. It was in this process that he lost all he had and his precious
wife. He went to Sodom with thousands of cattle, sheep, goat and
servants but he left Sodom with nothing. Before you know it, Lot became a
drunkard. From that day onward the bible had nothing to say about Lot
again. Abram on the other hand waited on the Lord and chose according to
God’s plan for his life. He went on to become the father of nations.
Today many singles marry based on looks. The ladies want a tall, black
and handsome man with a good job. The men want a woman with a perfect
figure. Many enter relationships based on what they can get from the
relationships not what they have to offer. Financial or material gains
should not be a deciding factor when it comes to making a decision. Do
not do things because everyone is doing it. What decided the end of
Abram and Lot were factors that informed their decisions.
ACTION POINT: Let God inform every decision you make not your wants or looks.