Showing posts with label endurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label endurance. Show all posts

Sunday 14 June 2015


MEMORY VERSE: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Proverbs 2-3
Galatians 6:7 says,” Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Firstly, be not deceived. Some are being deluded into thinking that they can reap without sowing. That’s impossible! Unless one sows, there will be nothing to reap. Unless one sows mercy, one will not reap mercy. Matthew 5:7 says, “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Not until we let go and forgive those who have wronged us, our sins will not be forgiven. According to Matthew 6:12 not until we forgive the debts of others, our own debts to God will not be forgiven. If one sows a smile, one will reap a smile too. Except one puts orange seeds into the ground, one will not reap an orange tree. Except one trains one’s children in the fear of God, they will not grow up to fear God.
It is one thing to sow; it is another thing to reap. Also, it is one thing to reap; it is another thing to reap the full harvest. Not everyone who sows reap the full harvest. To reap the full harvest one must persevere. Good edible plants must be planted and cultivated. Weeds, on the other hand, grows naturally. A godly man must be trained and mentored. A man that will fulfil destiny must be mentored. So also, a sister who will become a good wife must be trained and mentored. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” We cannot plant a garden and then just forget it. If we do, very little will come from the planting because of the many forces that work against a good harvest. A garden requires continuous labour and care in order to reap an abundant harvest. This is true in the spiritual world and physical world. Regardless of where one plants the seed, weed will grow. It is now left to the farmer to destroy them as they grow. Circumstances that will discourage one from sowing will definitely come up. Friends that will discourage one from sowing will always show up. You may have been keeping yourself from the world, friends who will encourage you to mix with the world, go to night clubs and parties (to increase your chances of getting a wife) will come. You may have been dressing in a decent way, friends who will encourage you to ‘show some skin’ or wear something tight i.e. something that pronounces your figure so as to attract single men will turn up. To reap the full harvest, you must persevere. You must continue to witness to that friend who does not want to hear about Jesus. You must continue to witness to that colleague who makes fun of your Christian beliefs. You must continue to pray for that child that is always causing problems in school. You must continue to pray for that man who is always returning from work drunk. You must continue to preach the unadulterated word of God to people. You may not be popular for preaching against unmarried people living together. You may not be popular for preaching against fornication and other forms of immorality. But, persevere in preaching the truth. Don't preach what people want to hear but the message that will save them from hell. Persevere in teaching women that the man is the head of the family and as such, they must submit to their husbands. Persevere in instructing men to love their wives just as Christ loved the church. Continue to sow those good seeds in the midst of opposition. Continue to show love to that mother in law who thinks you are not good enough for her son.
NOTE: According to 1 Corinthians 3:6-7, it is God who gives increase and He will give increase to your seeds.
CONFESSION: I refuse to be tired of sowing good seeds. I refuse to be fed up of living a godly Christian life.
Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.

Thursday 13 June 2013


Memory Verse: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us, 2 Timothy 2:12.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ex 38, John 17, Prov 14, Phil 1

The new living translation says if we endure hardship, we will reign with him. If we deny him, he will deny us, 2 Timothy 2:12.You will gain nothing by rushing. The reason why many get into trouble today is because of lack of endurance. Eight –five percent of divorces today could have been avoided if only the parties involved in the marriage endured. It is a fact that most of what will last in life does not come easily. Do you know that sometimes the smooth walk we are expecting would not give God glory so He takes us through the rough one so that His holy name will be glorified.

Whether we like it or not, there will be challenges. At times things will not go as planned. Once In a while some of those we depend on would disappoint us. Jesus Christ even said “these things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world (John 16:33)”. The fact that something is getting harder does not mean it will break. The fact that no brother is approaching you to ask for your hand in marriage does not mean you will die single. The fact that you lost your job or lost money in a business venture or things are not going as planned does not mean you should commit suicide. The situation you are in will not kill you but it will only make you stronger.

2 Timothy 2:3 says thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Christ. To fulfill God’s plan and purpose for your life, you need to learn endurance. Failure to learn endurance could lead to permanent destruction. Where God will take you, He will take you. Don’t go and do fraud or involve yourselves in dodgey business dealings all because you want to get rich. Luke 21:19 says in your patience possess your souls. There is time for everything and time needs endurance. Do you know that the reason why God has not giving to you some of the things you have been asking is because He knows that if He gives it to you now , it might destroy you. Don’t go ahead of your time. If you persevere something will good will happen. The fellow who will reign with Christ on earth and in heaven must endure temptations, lack, sufferings, pain e.t.c. Inability to endure can frustrate the plan of God for your plan. What destroyed Gehazi and Judas Iscariot was lack of endurance; they wanted to get rich quick. What almost destroyed the life of David was lack of endurance; he could not endure sexual urge so he took someone’s wife. Inability to endure sexual urge has and is still destroying destinies. The best contraception is abstinence from sex; others fail and most sterilize women.

PRAYER POINT: Father, please help me to endure hardship that I might reign with you in heaven.