Showing posts with label wastage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wastage. Show all posts

Thursday 1 August 2013


MEMORY VERSE: So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12 
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Lev 25, Ps 32, Eccl 8, 2 Tim 4
Proverbs 29:18a says where there is no vision, the people perish. The simple interpretation of this verse is where there is no ambition, the people become a nobody. Where there is nothing to achieve, the people amount to little or nothing. Where there are no goals, the people will not plan and those who fail to plan are simply planning to fail. The question is what are your visions in  Christ? How many souls do you intend to win for Christ before He calls you home? How many missionaries do you intend to sponsor to go and preach  before the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? How many churches do you intend to build for the Lord? How many TV programmes or radio programmes do you intend to sponsor for Jesus? How many evangelism outreaches do you intend to organize? How many less privilege children or widows do you plan to assist? How many cities do you plan to take for Jesus?
One thing I have learnt in life is that those without vision end up serving those that have vision. It is those without goals that work for people with goals. Whilst those with goals and visions are resting, those without goals will  be working and laboring. Today get yourself a goal! Think of something major you want to do for the Lord  this year. Think of the contribution you want to make to the body of Christ before the Lord calls you home.
Psalm 90:12 says teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. When we all started this year, many of us had goals – personal goals, family goals, spiritual goals e.t.c. The question is this, how far with those goals? Have you started to work on them? Or you have shelved them? How many of those goals you wrote down at the beginning of the year have you achieved? We are in the fourth month of the year, how many souls have you witnessed to? How many follow ups have you done? How many people have you invited to church? How many souls have you brought to Christ? How many lives can you say the Lord has used you to bless? What efforts have you made so far to witness to that member of your family that is yet to give his or her life to Christ?
QUESTION : What have you achieved for Jesus this year?