Monday 7 January 2013


 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Gen 7, Matt 7, Ezra 7, Acts 7

Proverbs 12:6 the words of the wicked are to lie in wait for blood: but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them.


Many of us listen to newspaper reporters-wonderful people; prophets in their own right. We listen to economics – wonderful people; prophets in their own right. At times we even listen to doctors – lovely people; highly educated people; qualified professionals; prophets in their own right. The question is why don’t we learn to prophesy to ourselves?

The great Shunamite woman in our bible studies prophesied to herself. She did not even wait for Elisha to tell her all will be well. She kept on prophesying that it shall be well. On her to see the man of God, her husband asked if all is well and her reply was “it shall be well”. Again when the man of God saw her coming afar off, he sent his servant to check if all is well and she told the servant “it shall be well”. Despite the fact that her son was dead she kept on prophesying to herself that it shall be well and at the end all was well because her dead son lived again. When you study the scriptures you will notice that almost everyone who had a major breakthrough prophesied to themselves before the breakthrough. In Genesis 22:1-18, God told Abraham to go and sacrifice Isaac to Him as a test. On his way to the mountain, Isaac asked Abraham where the lamb for burnt offering was and Abraham said “my son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering”. He prophesied into his own life and that was the exact thing that happened. In 1 Samuel 17:26-56, David told Goliath “this day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you”. He prophesied that he was going to severe the head of Goliath from his body. Do you know that when David prophesied, he did not even have a dagger on him talk less of a sword? But because he had prophesied that was the exact thing that happened. Immediately Goliath fell he ran to him, since there was no available sword around, he took Goliath’s sword and used it cut of his head. The woman with the issue of blood prophesied to herself, she said “if only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made whole” (Mark 5:25-34). That was the exact thing that happened when she touched the clothes of Jesus. Proverbs 12:6 says the mouth of the upright shall deliver them. Before Jesus got to the house of Lazarus, he prophesied to Martha, John 11:17-45. He said “your brother will rise again” and that was the same thing that happened that. Your prophesy in adversity will determine the result. Joel 3:10 says let the weak say “I am strong” meaning let the weak should prophesy strength to themselves. Cultivate a habit of prophesying good things yourself. Ignore people’s opinion on your challenges; just continue to prophesy the result you want. Be your own prophet this year, it is what God hears you say that he will do not what the doctors say or people around you.

KEY WORD: It is what God hears you say that he will do not what the people around you say or the expert about your challenges.

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