Sunday 25 May 2014


MEMORY VERSE: little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous, 1 John 3:7

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 3, Eph 1, Ezek 34, Ps 22

We live in a world that promotes ungodliness. The systems in place are so crooked that it is either you bribe your way out or you are denied what rightly belongs to you. In a world that rewards dishonesty; many wonder is it really worth it to be righteous? Friends, a life of righteousness is not an option but compulsory. 1 Thessalonians 4:7 says for God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. As sides from the obvious that Christ demands a life of righteousness from every believer, sin on the other hand withholds good from us. According to Jeremiah 5:25, iniquities have the ability to turn away God's blessings from a fellow. Not only that, regarding iniquity in our heart can cause God to turn a deaf ear to our prayers ( Psalm 66:18).

When you go through the scriptures you will observe that the Lord discusses His plans with His righteous friends. Psalm 25:14 says the secret of the Lord are with those that fear Him. Before the Lord destroyed the earth with water, He told Noah, Genesis 6:11- 22. Before He destroyed Sodom with fire, He told Abraham (Genesis 18:19-33). Before returning the second time, He told us He is coming with His rewards for every man according to His works ( Revelation 22:12). What kind of reward do you think your work will attract?

What is righteousness? A man once defined righteousness as the nature of God imparted into the human spirit that gives him the ability to stand before God without any sense of guilt or inferiority complex. In other words, if a righteous man sins he still remains righteous because righteousness is a gift of God. He further explained that the nature of goat does not change because he swam in an overwhelming ocean. THE ABOVE EXPLANATION IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE BIBLE! Righteousness has its basis in actions. 1John 3:7 says little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. To act right is to be righteous. Would you call a believer who fornicates, a righteous person? I doubt not! A goat swimming in the ocean is not a righteous goat because goats are not meant to be swimming in the ocean just like a fish that chews grass is not a righteous fish either because it is not right for fish to chew grass. It is not right for a believer to live in sin.

REMEMBER: We are in the world but not part of the world.
Bro Samuel - Reaching the world for Jesus

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