Monday 26 May 2014


MEMORY VERSE: and the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him, Genesis 2:18

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 4-5, Eph 2, Ezek 35, Ps 23-24

When we hear the word ‘bride’, what comes to mind is marriage. After creating Adam, the Lord observed that this man was lonely. To solve his problem of loneliness, He created Eve. Adam and Eve got married and this problem was solved. Loneliness was the problem marriage came to solve not the lack of sex so please do not get married because of sex or because it will be good for your ministry or because you feel you are getting old. Do not rush into marriage because your parents are mounting pressure on you or because you want to be respected .Please and please do not get married because you want to put on a wedding ring and marriage doesn’t always solve financial problems. It has been proving that marriage does not really solve the problem of lack of sex or any of the above points mentioned. 

Genesis 2:18 says and the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. The number one duty of a wife is to be a companion to his husband in other words solve his problem of loneliness, all others are secondary. As a godly wife, your husband must come first not the ministry, business or children. The moment your husband comes second, the purpose of marriage is defeated. Children cannot solve the problem of loneliness and God did not give them to you to solve the problem of loneliness. As a godly man, it is deemed ungrateful not to appreciate or to frustrate the help or companion God has given to you. Your companion is a good thing and favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). Because she is your companion and your best friend, there must not be any secrets. As your companion, she is meant to be the closest person to you on earth.

God created Eve to meet the needs of Adam. God created brides to meet the needs of the grooms. As brides of Christ, our relationship with Him should not be to solve our problems but to meet the needs of Jesus. Our number one duty is to minister to Christ i.e. be His companion. We are to spend time with Him in prayer and praises. Other activities are secondary. Time with Jesus must always come first, the ministry, evangelism, work in the church e.t.c are all secondary. Many of us are now putting ministry before Jesus. Many of us labor day in day out at the church, but we never spend quality time with Jesus and that should not be so. Just as putting anything before the husband can have a detrimental effect on the marriage, putting anything before Jesus has detrimental effect on our relationship with Him.

PRAYER POINT: Father, please help me to spend more time ministering to you.
Bro Samuel - Reaching the world for Jesus.

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