Monday, 22 July 2013


MEMORY VERSE: Do not lust after beauty in your heart not let her allure you with her eyelids. Proverbs 6:25

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : Lev 20, Ps 35, Eccl 3, 1 Tim 5

Love is a Spirit. John 4:24 says God is a Spirit. 1 John 4:8 says God is love. If God is a Spirit and God is love, then Love is a Spirit. According to 2 Timothy 1:7 fear, power and love are all spirits. Just as love is a spirit, lust is also a spirit. The fashion world today is run by the spirit of lust. You may not believe it but that is the gospel truth.There are many who follow fashion without understanding. They do things because everyone is doing it without knowing the intentions behind them.

What the world calls love is not love but lust. When you begin to feel funny around a particular brother or sister you are not married to, that is not love but Lust. When all you love to do is be alone with someone you are not married to in a room or dark place, that is Lust.

What is the difference between love and lust? Love always wants to give but Lust always want to possess. John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that He gave. Love always want to share but lust always want to take. Love focuses on the individual but lust focuses on the looks and body.My sister if all a brother is interested in is in your looks and body, that brother has the spirit of lust . He may tell you he loves you but the truth is he is lusting after you.Love always think of the other party's happiness but lust does not. Lust focuses on pleasing oneself alone.Lust often leads to unwholesome actions to fulfill ones desires with no regard to the consequences. Lust is about greed and possesion. Most importantly Love is of God and Lust is of the devil. Love is patient but Lust is not. Lust is all about sex. If you are involved in a relationship and you begin to notice Lust instead of love, you better leave that relationship because Lust is the first sign that the relationship will end in disaster.

KEYWORD : Lust is about sex alone. Love is patient but Lust is not.

Saturday, 20 July 2013


MEMORY VERSE: But I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail, and when you have returned to Me strengthen your brothers. Like 22:32

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : Lev 18, Ps 22, Eccl 1, 1 Tim 3

BIBLE STUDIES : Luke 22:55-61

It is not a good thing at all to be let down by people. It can be very painful when people you have invested time, energy, money etc let you down.Such was the case of Jesus and Peter. When Jesus met Peter, he was a failure. Peter had tried repeatedly and failed. When He met him, Peter was just an ordinary fishermen who had no future. Peter was broke, confused, tired of life, unhappy, tired physically to mention a few. Jesus saw him in the midst of all these and turned his situation around - he asked him to launch into the deep and let down his net for a catch. Peter obeyed and his long awaited breakthrough came, Luke 5:1-7. Jesus took their relationship to another level by showing Peter His glory on mount of transfiguration. He finished it off by writing his name in the book book life,Luke 10:20. Jesus did not stop there, He even went a step further to invest time and energy on Peter's extended family.He left His engagements and personally paid Peter's mother - in - law a visit when she was sick,Matthew 8:14. Jesus had a little challenge and Peter disappeared. The same Peter who the Lord had mightily invested on swore that he had not even set eyes on Jesus. Actually Jesus was few feet away when Peter denied Him the third time. 

What did Jesus do when He resurrected? He didn't swear never to greet Peter again. It would be a right thing for Jesus to immediately take his name out the book of life . Jesus did not do that , He forgave Peter. Jesus was so willing to forgive, despite the fact that He knew Peter was going to betray Him, He prayed for Him in advance.

Has anyone betrayed you? Has anyone promised to marry you or promised to be there and let you down? Has anyone taken advantage of your generosity and kindness? Brethren please let's forgive. Heaven is too precious to miss because of someone who let you down. Do you know that even before Jesus ascended to heaven he that to first eat with Peter? Eating with Peter was to proof that, He that nothing against Him and He had moved on from what happened. There is a reward for forgiveness , Peter (who was forgiven) later became one of the pillars in the church? The first sermon he preached, 3000 souls were won for Christ. The question is what if Jesus had not forgiven Peter?

PRAYER POINT :Father please help me so that unforgiveness would not rob me of your plans for my life.

Thursday, 18 July 2013


 MEMORY VERSE : But the wisdom from above is is first pure, then peaceable,gentle,and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. James 3:17 

 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : Lev 16, Ps 19, Pr 30, 1 Tim 1. 

 BIBLE STUDIES : Genesis 16:1-6 

 The word 'good idea' is relative. A good idea yesterday could turn out to be a bad idea today e.g. in the area of Nigeria where I came from, it used to be a good idea to have tribal marks. Today it is not so anymore. Also a bad idea yesterday could turn out to be a good idea today. Hundreds of years ago it was a bad idea to educate girls not anymore . Thank God we now have female doctors, pilots even prime ministers. A good idea in one part of the world could turn out to be a bad idea in another part of the world an vice versa. In western culture it is a good idea to keep eye contact when you are been addressed by someone older. It means you are listening and you are not hiding anything. Meanwhile in Africa it is considered rude and could attract the wrath of the fellow addressing you. 

 A good idea in one religion is a very bad idea in another religion. In Christianity it is ok to eat beef but in Hindu religion cows are sacred. One thing with all good ideas is that it may bring an un-intended response or it can turn out to be a bad idea after all. In our bible studies is a prime example of this. Abram and Sarai thought it was a good idea for Abram to have children through Hagar (Sarai's maid) since Sarai had passed child bearing age. That turned out to be a mistake of a life time because immediately Hagar became pregnant she became rude to her boss. 

 When an idea is of God, it will always turn out good. God's idea always has a God ending i.e. joyous ending. The idea may not seem too good at first but the end is always good. An example of this is found in 2 Chronicles 20:1-26. Two mighty nations - children of Ammon and Moab waged against a very small city of Judah. Jehoshaphat reported this matter to God and the Lord instructed him to go to war with choirs instead of soldiers. This did not seem like a good idea but nevertheless Jehoshaphat obeyed .At the end they won the battle and became rich too.

 ACTON POINT : Always follow God's Idea.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


MEMORY VERSE :My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations.James 1:2

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : Lev 17, Ps  20-21,Pr 31, 1 Tim 2.

Challenges are part and parcel el of life, be it a believer or an unbeliever . The Lord said in Isaiah 43 : 2, when you pass through waters I will be with you not if you pass through waters. Isaiah 54:17 says no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper not if a weapon is fashioned or in case a weapon is fashioned. Weapons will be fashioned but the good news is it shall not prosper. Most people dread challenges. Many pray not to even have them at all but challenges are not such a bad thing. If they are bad the bible would not say count is all joy when you face challenges , James 1:2

Why do we face challenges? One of the root causes of challenges is sin. Jeremiah 5:25 says sin withholds good things from us. According to 2 Chronicles 6: 21-36, sin causes unanswered  prayers, famine, problems e.t.c. Another reason why we face challenges is because Jesus said so. John 16:33 says but in the world you will have tribulations,but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world for you. Matthew 11:12 says from the day of John the Baptist the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violence take it by force. Another reason for challenges is that it helps us to grow in the Lord. It is fire that purifies. James 1:3 says it is the trying of our faith that produces patience. It is this patience that makes is mature in the Lord.

Another reason why we face challenges could be that the Lord wants to glorify Himself in our life publicly.When you study Daniel 3:1-30, you will see that the Lord permitted the three Hebrew boys to be cast into fire because He wanted to glorify Himself in their lives publicly. At the end, the emperor left his thrown and prostrated before these boys praising the Most High God.

 Another reason why we face challenges could be because we are a threat to the Kingdom of darkness. Many people have asked me, why is it that believers face more challenges than others. I always ask them, if you have ten chickens in your cage and one of them escapes what do you do? Their replies has always been 'I will go after it'. The same thing applies to believers, we used to be in the cage of the enemy. >From the moment we give our lives to Christ, we escape death. The enemy would not bother about his own, he knows they are his already but he will go after those that have escaped.The good news is that he can do his worse but over us he will fail. Do you know even before you face challenges, the Lord has provided a way out? Romans 8:37 says we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. This verse was written over a thousand years ago which mean that long before the challenge came, you had already been declared a victor.

PRAYER POINT : Father thank you for making me a victor, please help me never to loose my advantage in You.

Monday, 15 July 2013

God has a habit making up nobodies and making them somebodies


MEMORY VERSE: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.1 Peter 4:13

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Lev 15, Ps 18, Prov 29,2 Thes 3

BIBLE STUDIES: Matthew 14:22-33

In our bible studies is a very popular story. It was late at night and there were no ships around to take Jesus to His disciples so He decided to walk on water to them. Peter saw Jesus walking on water and asked if he could join Him? Jesus said ‘come’, Peter jumped out of the boat and began to walk on water towards Jesus. After taking few steps, the wind began to blow and he began to panic. Before you know it Peter began to sink, thank God he quickly called on the name of Jesus and was saved. It is important to know that the presence of Jesus could not prevent Peter from sinking . Why? Because of fear. Anywhere fear is present,failure is inevitable. It does not matter whose errand you are running. You could even been acting on the word of God like Peter, once fear comes into the equation failure is not far away. No wonder Hebrew 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to please God. Even in the ministry, if you give room to fear instead of faith , you may fail.I pray you will not fail in Jesus name.

1 Peter 4:13 says but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

To be glad with exceeding joy , you must be ready to suffer for Christ. In Part two of these series ,i shared the testimony of a brother who the Lord paid his tuition and expenses throughout the duration of the course in the university. I also talked of this brother's labor of love in the private .I do not know why but i believe there is someone the Lord wants to publicly reward and He wants me share a little bit more about this brother to encourage that fellow. I mentioned in part two of these series that this brother is part of virtually all the groups in the church. Do you also know that this brother holds the key to the church i.e. he is the first to get to the church and last to leave? Not only that around eighteen months ago ,this brother challenged the faith of everyone by turning down a job that pays around £1,800 a month for a job of £200 a month all because he didn't want anything to come in between his commitment with his maker ; this brother is married with 3 kids. You are wondering why God provided a scholarship worth over £50 ,000 for this brother? You are wondering why God would go out of His way to pay for the tuition and expenses of this brother before he even started university? This brother suffered greatly for Christ in the private and today he is glad with exceeding joy because he is going to study for free while others have to pay.

PRAYER POINT: Father please open my eyes that i might do what will make me qualify for your exceeding joy.

Sunday, 14 July 2013


MEMORY VERSE: That thine alms may be in secret: and thy father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:4

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Lev 14, Ps 17, Prov 28,2 Thes 2

BIBLE STUDIES: Matthew 14:22-33

In Matthew 14:22-33 is a story we all know. It was late at night, there were no ship around and the disciples of Jesus were in a ship far away in the middle of the sea. Since there were no means of transportation, Jesus decided to walk on the sea towards them. Peter saw Jesus walking on water and requested to join Him. Jesus told him no problem and immediately Peter got on water and began to walks towards Jesus. After Peter had taken few steps he noticed the wind and began to panic. Before you know it Peter began to sink, he called on Jesus and was saved.

One very important lesson from this passage is that immediately you allow fear in your heart, you begin to sink and if you don’t take time the challenges might drown you so please do not entertain fear in your heart. Jesus and Peter walked on the same water, how come only Peter sank? Aside from the fact that Peter entertained fear, while Jesus was on the mountain praying, Peter was busy chatting away with his fellow disciples. Because Peter had not made any private preparation (spiritually), a little wind made him lost his composure and he began to sink.

Matthew 6:4 says that thine alms may be in secret: and thy father which seeth in secret Himself shall reward thee openly. What this literally means is everything we do in the secret will be rewarded in the open. If you are pretending that you are Christian in the open and you are committing secret sins like adultery and fornication e.t.c ,the reward is coming except you repent. If on the other hand you are serving God sincerely, laboring for the propagation of the gospel day and night, people might not see it or take notice of it but the Lord who sees your effort in the secret will reward it in the open. Just of recent a brother was sharing a big testimony with me. The brother won a scholarship and the university said they were going to pay his tuition and other expenses throughout the period of his study in the university i.e. for three years he wasn’t going to pay a dime! When he calculated the whole expenses, it was over fifty thousand pounds and the Lord paid it before he even started university. I know the Lord really loves this brother and this is a public show of affection by the Most High but do you know that this brother belongs to virtually all the groups in the church? Oh yes, he is part of the evangelism group, prayer warrior, drama, sanctuary cleaner, usher, church greeters e.t.c. Most people do not even know how much this brother labors for God in the secret but the Lord who saw his activities in the secret has rewarded him in the open. 

QUESTION: What are you doing for God in the secret that He can reward you in the open for?