MEMORY VERSE: and the Lord said unto him, what is in thine hand? And he said, a rod, Exodus 4:2
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 17, Col 4, Ezek 47, Ps 38
BIBLE STUDY: Exodus 4:1-4
The Lord saw how the Egyptians treated the children of Israel; he picked Moses to lead them out. For a reason or two, Moses felt he was not up to the task so he began to give God excuses. He asked for a sign to show to the children of Israel. Exodus 4:2 says and the Lord said unto him, what is in thine hand? And he said, a rod. The Lord told him to drop the rod .He did and the rod turned into a snake. The Lord told him to pick up the snake by its tail, Moses did and the snake turned into a rod.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kgs 17, Col 4, Ezek 47, Ps 38
BIBLE STUDY: Exodus 4:1-4
The Lord saw how the Egyptians treated the children of Israel; he picked Moses to lead them out. For a reason or two, Moses felt he was not up to the task so he began to give God excuses. He asked for a sign to show to the children of Israel. Exodus 4:2 says and the Lord said unto him, what is in thine hand? And he said, a rod. The Lord told him to drop the rod .He did and the rod turned into a snake. The Lord told him to pick up the snake by its tail, Moses did and the snake turned into a rod.
Firstly, you will never realize the potential in what is in your hand until you release it to God. The rod of Moses in Exodus 4:2 became the rod of God in Exodus 4:20. In Exodus 14:14-22, Moses lifted the rod and the sea parted into two. The rod became a tool for dividing waters (taking care of challenges). If Moses had not obeyed God and released the rod, he would not have realized the potential in his rod. To realize the potential in that connection you have, use it for God and for the gospel. There are many who think their life is useless, friends your life is not useless. If you want to realize the potential in you, release yourself to God and you will be amazed. That seed (money) in your hand has the potential of yielding hundred fold returns. You will never realize that potential until you release it God. Paul realized the potential in him when he gave himself to the gospel. By the time we get to Acts 19:11, we see aprons from the body of Paul casting out demons.
The rod of Moses had the potential to kill i.e. become a snake (an angel of death). That rod had potential to destroy Moses but he did not know until he obeyed the voice of God and dropped it. The rod became a snake and Moses fled. There are things in our hands that have the potential to destroy us. For instance anger has the potential to destroy a blossoming relationship or growing ministry and many do not know. That is why God is saying drop it. Ecclesiastes 7:9 says anger rest in the bosom of fools. Bitterness and unforgiveness have the potential to put a fellow into spiritual bondage. The spirit of bitterness and unforgiveness hand people over to tormentors. Until you drop them at the feet of Jesus, you will not know true peace. Sin has the potential of turning a son into a slave and God is saying flee away from all appearances of evil, 1 Thessalonians 5:22.
NOTE: The only way to realize the potential in a thing is by giving it to God.
Bro Samuel – Reaching the world for Jesus.